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Key to Rhynchospora
2 Inflorescence bracts several, foliaceous, basally bright white, reflexed to horizontally spreading; [subgenus Diplostylae; section Dichromena] | |
2 Inflorescence bracts 0-several, capillary to foliaceous, green throughout (stramineous in age), variously oriented. | |
3 Bristles present, plumose (at least towards their bases); [subgenus Diplostylae; section Plumosae] | |
3 Bristles absent, or present and smooth or minutely barbed. | |
5 Achene surface smooth, minutely pitted, or finely striate (not ridged, rugose, or reticulate); [subgenus Diplostylae; sections Chapmaniae, Fasciculares, and Fuscae] | |
5 Achene surface transversely ridged, rugose, or honeycombed-reticulate (sometimes faintly so); [subgenus Diplostylae; sections Globulares, Harveyae, Mixtae, Psilocarya, Pusillae, and Rariflorae] |