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Key A: lycophytes and pteridophytes
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1 Plant minute, consisting of filaments or thalli (undifferentiated into leaves, stems, and roots), generally a single cell thick, usually with abundant single-celled gemmae (specialized budlike groups of cells for asexual reproduction), and superficially resembling bryophytes in lacking vascular tissue; [usually epipetric on vertical or overhanging bedrock; [Pteridophytes] | |
2 Plant aquatic, either floating and unattached, or rooting and largely submersed | |
2 Plant of various habitats, including wetlands, where sometimes growing in soils saturated or intermittently flooded, but not aquatic. | |
3 Leaves ‘un-fern-like’: unlobed, variously awl-shaped, scale-like, terete, strap-shaped, or palmately lobed; [Lycophytes or Pteridophytes] | |
3 Leaves ‘fern-like’: variously lobed or divided, ranging from pinnatifid to 4-pinnate; [Pteridophytes]. | |
4 Leaf blades (not including the petiole) small, < 30 cm long or wide (some species will key either here or in the next lead). | |