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Key to Carex, Key A: Subkey in Carex
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1 Leaf blades 20-60 mm wide, without a midrib (with 40-100 parallel nerves all of equal prominence), leathery, the apex obtuse; leaf margin scarious, minutely crisped-ruffled (feeling scaberulous to the touch) | |
1 Leaf blades 0.5-25 (-52) mm wide, with a midrib, herbaceous, the apex acute; leaf margin various (smooth or scabrous, but not as described below). | |
3 Culms distinctly red or purple at the base | |
5 Stigmas 2; achenes lenticular. | |
5 Stigmas 3; achenes trigonous. | |
8 Spikes androgynous or entirely pistillate; beak of perigynium with apex entire, emarginate, or with teeth < 0.2 mm long. | |
10 Perigynium beak < 2 mm long, or if more, then tapering to the perigynium body and shorter than the body. | |
11 Perigynia > 4× as long as wide | |
11 Perigynia < 4× as long as wide. | |
Key to Carex, Key D: Subkey in Carex
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1 Pistillate spikes all or in part borne on the elongate, aboveground stem. | |
5 Perigynia 2.0-2.9 mm long; leaf blades 0.9-3.3 mm wide | |
5 Perigynia 4-5 mm long; leaf blades 4-8 mm wide | |
9 Lowermost pistillate scales awned; leaves somewhat septate-nodulose; plants usually long-rhizomatous and forming large clonal colonies | |
9 Lowermost pistillate scales obtuse to acuminate; leaves not septate-nodulose; plants cespitose, short-rhizomatous | |
10 Perigynia > 10 mm long. | |
10 Perigynia < 10 mm long. | |
15 Sheaths and/or blades pubescent | |
16 Leaf sheaths (and usually the blades as well) pubescent. | |
18 Perigynia > 3.5 mm long, the tip tapering or abruptly beaked. | |
19 Longer peduncles of pistillate spikes > 1 cm long; perigynia > 3× as long as wide, tapering gradually to the base | |
19 Longer peduncles of pistillate spikes 0-1 cm long; perigynia < 3× as long as wide, abruptly contracted to a short stipe at the base. | |
22 Leaf blades glabrous on the upper surface, often with rough margins or tip; beak of perigynium straight. | |
23 Fronts of sheaths of lower leaves ladder-fibrillose; leaves and sheaths septate-nodulose (sometimes obscurely so) | |
23 Fronts of leaf sheaths not ladder-fibrillose, sometimes breaking into longitudinal fibers; leaves and sheaths not septate-nodulose. | |
24 Perigynia strongly 12-30-veined. | |
24 Perigynia 0-12-veined. | |
28 Plants with most pistillate spikes on obvious elongated stems; culms shorter than or longer than the leaves. | |