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Key to Carex, [26ff] Section 23 Hymenochlaenae: section Hymenochlaenae -- Key to Groups

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1 Terminal spike staminate; lateral spikes staminate, androgynous, or pistillate; base of culms tan, brown, or ivory.
1 Terminal spike staminate or gynecandrous; lateral spikes pistillate, gynecandrous or rarely distal spike staminate; base of culms usually covered with dark maroon bladeless sheaths (often missing or very short in C. prasina).
    3 Perigynia 2-ribbed and veined between ribs, often conspicuously so, green to olive-green at maturity, usually red dotted.
      4 Perigynia fusiform to narrowly lance-ovoid, > 5 mm long, including the elongate beak; leaves generally < 5 mm wide; leaf sheaths usually glabrous, at least on back
      4 Perigynia ovoid-oblong to lance-ovoid, 2-6 mm (mostly < 5 mm long) tapering to a beak shorter than the body or beakless; leaves 2.5-12 mm wide; leaf sheaths glabrous or pubescent.
        5 Terminal spike usually staminate, rarely gynecandrous.