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Key to Carex, [26xx] Section 37 Ceratocystis: section Ceratocystis

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1 Pistillate scales coppery brown; terminal (staminate) spike 6-24 mm long; culms 0.2-8 dm tall.
  2 Perigynia 4.0-6.3 mm long; pistillate spikes 7.5-12.9 mm wide (measured beak tip to beak tip); perigynium beaks 1.6-2.5 mm long, comprising 40-50% of the total length of the perigynium
  2 Perigynia 1.8-3.0 (-3.9) mm long; pistillate spikes 3-8 mm wide (measured beak tip to beak tip); perigynium beaks 0.5-1.0 mm long, comprising 20-30% of the total length of the perigynium.
    3 Proximal pistillate spike remote, often nearly basal; perigynia and foliage often olive or dark green; culms often arcuate or sinuous; staminate spikes on peduncles 3-28 mm
    3 Pistillate spikes contiguous or aggregated; foliage grayish or light green; perigynia grayish green to yellowish green; culms erect; staminate spikes on peduncles to 20 mm
1 Pistillate scales yellowish green; terminal (staminate) spike 12-39 mm long; culms 1-12.5 dm tall.
      4 Larger pistillate spikes 10.5-13.5 (14.0) mm wide (measured beak tip to beak tip); longer perigynium beaks 2.3-3.2 mm long; [MI south to extreme s. OH and c. IN]
      4 Larger pistillate spikes 7-11 mm wide; longer perigynium beaks 1.2-2.3 mm long; [either of calcareous savannas of the Coastal Plain of NC or of acid situations in NJ, n. OH, n. IN, and northward].
        5 Terminal (staminate) spike 12-21 mm long; pistillate spikes (1-) 2-5 per culm; tallest culms of a plant 2.5-5 dm tall; achenes 1.0-1.2 mm wide; [of acid situations in NJ, n. OH, n. IN, and northward]
        5 Terminal (staminate) spike (9-) 17-39 mm long; pistillate spikes 1-2 (-3) per culm; tallest culms of a plant 6.5-12.5 dm tall; achenes 1.2-1.5 mm wide; [of calcareous savannas of the Coastal Plain of NC]