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Key to Fimbristylis
4 Achene cylindrical, 2-4× as long as wide, curved like a tiny banana; inflorescence bracts 1-2 cm long | |
5 Inflorescence compact, the spikelets sessile or subsessile, in a dense cluster; base of style smooth or papillate | |
6 Spikelets 2-3 mm long; inflorescence compact, complexly glomerate; achenes obovoid; [of peninsular FL and s. TX in our area] | |
6 Spikelets > 5 mm long; inflorescence at least partly diffuse, with spikelets stalked; achenes lenticular; [widespread in our area]. | |
7 Plant a medium-sized to robust perennial, the culms generally 5-15 dm tall, either cespitose, with a hardened base, and deeply set in the substrate, or rhizomatous, the rhizomes either slender or thick | |
8 Plant rhizomatous, the rhizomes either thick and knotty or slender and scaly (rarely with both); bases of leaves often somewhat thickened, hardened, and brownish, the base of the plant not especially deeply set; achene 0.8-1.2 (-1.3) mm long. | |
9 Plant a medium-sized perennial to 10 dm tall, rhizomatous, the rhizomes either short, thick, and knotty or also with slender rhizomes); leaves usually involute, ca. 1 mm wide; stem usually terete or oval in cross-section, smooth; ligule either absent or present. | |
10 Ligule absent or poorly developed; sheaths and fertile scales puberulent; culm bases not swollen, producing several slender, scaly, orange rhizomes; leaves and sheaths totally pubescent or glabrous; backs of involucral sheaths and fertile scales puberulent at least distally. | |
7 Plant a small to medium-sized annual or perennial, the culms to 8 dm tall, neither rhizomatous (except F. brevivaginata) nor with a hardened base deeply set in the substrate. | |
11 Spikelets pale, usually solitary (-3) on the scape (and thus appearing somewhat like an Eleocharis) | |
11 Spikelets dark, usually in a complex inflorescence. | |
12 Face (one side) of the achene with 15 or more longitudinal rows of rounded pits, the achene margin noticeably paler | |
12 Face (one side) of the achene with 13 or fewer longitudinal rows of rectangular pits, the achene margin not noticeably paler. | |
13 Plant an annual; leaves spreading or ascending, 1-4 mm wide; achenes with or without warts. | |
15 Achenes lacking warts or with warts scattered over the entire surface; primary rays of umbel spreading or ascending, the inflorescence generally longer than broad; leaves relatively soft | |
15 Achenes with a few low warts on the edges; primary rays of umbel stiffly spreading (even deflexed), the inflorescence therefore often as broad as long or broader; leaves relatively hard, broad (averaging 2 mm wide), and spreading subdistichously |