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Key to Asplenium
1 Leaves pinnatifid (at least in the lower half of the leaf), pinnate, pinnate-pinnatifid, bipinnate, or tripinnate, the apex obtuse, acute, acuminate, or attenuate; veins free. | |
6 Rachis shiny black or dark brown throughout its length; rachis not grooved on its upper surface; leaves pinnate, the outline of the leaf blade linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, with more-or-less parallel sides for much of its length. | |
7 Pinnae orbicular to obovate-oblong, 1-2× as long as wide, the base more-or-less symmetrical (if auriculate, only slightly so and on the side of the pinna toward the base of the leaf); old leaf rachises often with persistent projections left from the disarticulation of the pinnae; [VI. A. trichomanes clade; A. trichomanes subclade]. | |
8 Sori 4-9 (-12) per pinna, up to 3 mm long; rhizome scales up to 5 mm long; petiole relatively thicker, blackish-brown; pinnae mostly opposite, oblong, spaced more closely, thicker in texture, set at a nearly right angle to the rachis, rarely at all auriculate; spores mostly 34-43 μ long; stomate guard cells mostly 41-49 μ long; [of calcareous rocks] | |
8 Sori 4-6 (-9) per pinna, up to 2 mm long; rhizome scales up to 3 mm long; petiole relatively thin, shiny, coppery or bronze; pinnae mostly alternate, suborbicular, spaced more distantly, thinner in texture, set at a fairly oblique angle to the rachis, often slightly auriculate on the side of the pinna toward the leaf base; spores mostly 29-36 μ long; stomate guard cells mostly 38-43 μ long; [mostly of noncalcareous rocks] | |
7 Pinnae oblong-rectangular, 2× or more as long as wide, the base asymmetrical or auricled (more prominently auricled on the side of the pinna toward the tip of the leaf); old leaf rachises lacking persistent projections left from the disarticulation of the pinnae. | |
12 Pinna margins crenate to serrate; pinna base lacking an auricle, or the auricle rudimentary; veins evident; spores 64 per sporangium | |
6 Rachis dull green throughout its length, or at least toward the tip; rachis grooved on the upper surface, at least in the green portion; leaves pinnatifid to tripinnate, the outline of the leaf blade narrowly to broadly triangular, widest at the base (or slightly above the base in A. abscissum) (except A. dentatum). | |
14 Leaves bipinnate at the base, pinnate-pinnatifid above; spores normal; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Onopteris subclade] | |
14 Leaves pinnate at the base, pinnatifid above; spores abortive (or normal in A. tutwilerae, known only from Hale County, AL); [V. Schaffneria clade; reticulation between two subclades]. | |
16 Leaves pinnatifid or 1-pinnate through most or all of their lengths (sometimes pinnate-pinnatifid at the base of the leaf). | |
17 Leaves pinnate (sometimes pinnate-pinnatifid at the base of the leaf in A. ×trudellii and A. dentatum); spores normal or abortive. | |
18 Pinnae 1-8 on each side of the rachis below the merely pinnatifidly lobed upper half of the leaf; blades deltoid to broadly isosceles-triangular, 1-3× as long as wide; [of FL and rarely n. AL]. | |
18 Pinnae 5-35 on each side of the rachis; blades lanceolate or linear, 4-7× as long as wide; [collectively widespread]. | |
20 Pinnae lanceolate, 3-10× as long as wide, with an acroscopic auricle at the base of the larger pinnae; epiphytic on bark; [of FL peninsula]; [I. A. erosum clade] | |
21 Leaf blade outline with nearly parallel margins, with a blunt tip; spores normal; on moist outcrops of limestone; [of FL peninsula] | |
21 Leaf blade outline tapering evenly from near or at the base, with a long-attenuated tip; spores abortive; on moist outcrops of felsic sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, such as sandstone, phyllite, schist; [inland from nc. GA and nc. AL northwards] | |
23 Petiole darkened toward the base; pinnules toothed, lacerate, pinnatifid, or pinnate; leaves bipinnate to tripinnate, the leaf blades lanceolate-ovate to lanceolate-oblong; ultimate leaf segments sessile or nearly so; [of acidic rocks] ; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Onopteris subclade] | |
23 Petiole entirely green; pinnules toothed; leaves bipinnate, the leaf blades ovate-triangular; ultimate leaf segments mostly stalked; [of calcareous rocks]; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Pleurosorus subclade] | |
22 [Coastal Plain and southern, of FL]; [VIII. Asplenium clade]. | |
24 Rachis darkened, at least in its lower portion. | |
25 Leaves 2-pinnate basally and pinnate-pinnatifid upwards; spores of different and irregular shapes and sizes | |
24 Rachis green throughout. | |
26 Leaves 2-pinnate only basally, mostly pinnate-pinnatifid to merely pinnate upwards; spores of different and irregular shapes and sizes |
Key A5: small ‘fern-like’ pteridophytes, terrestrial, growing in soil, not associated with rock outcrops
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1 Leaf blades appearing to be digitate (the segments arising at a single point); [FL peninsula] | |
2 Petiole not branched dichotomously, the outline of the blade either longer than broad or triangular and about as wide as long. | |
3 Leaves pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, most of the pinnae not fully divided from one another (the rachis winged by leaf tissue most or all of its length). | |
7 Leaves broadly triangular in outline, about as broad as long. | |
7 Leaves lanceolate in outline, definitely longer than broad; sporangia either borne on normal leaf blades, or on slightly dimorphic blades, or on the basalmost pinnae of the leaf, or on an erect stalk that arises at or above ground level from the petiole of the sterile leaf blade (joining the petiole of the sterile leaf above the rhizome). | |
11 Sori distinct. | |
12 Sori round; leaf blades monomorphic (or slightly dimorphic in Cystopteris); the larger leaf blades 5-15 cm wide; petiole with 2 vascular bundles, uniting upwards into 1 U-shaped or V-shaped bundle. | |