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Key to Poaceae, Key N: grasses with 2+ florets, these readily visible by extending past the glumes

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1 Plants dioecious; plants strongly rhizomatous-clonal; [plants of saline situations, coastal or more rarely inland]; [tribe Cynodonteae; subtribe Monanthochloinae]
1 Plants bisexual; plants cespitose or weakly short- rhizomatous; [plants of various habitats, including saline].
  2 Lemmas 1-3-nerved, the nerves strong and obvious; spikelets 1-27 mm long.
    3 Lemma nerves hairy; lemmas slightly to strongly 2-lobed, the midnerve shortly excurrent between the 2 lobes; [tribe Cynodonteae; subtribe Tridentinae].
      4 Palea glabrous or with hairs < 0.5 mm long; plants perennial; inflorescences exserted, conspicuous
      4 Palea long-ciliate on the upper half, the hairs 0.5-2 mm long; plants annual; inflorescences often largely hidden in the upper sheath
    3 Lemma nerves glabrous; lemmas not at all lobed.
        5 Mature spikelets stiff; grains protruding, with a bottle-neck-like beak; [tribe Diarrheneae]
        5 Mature spikelets not stiff; grains neither protruding, nor shaped with a bottleneck-like beak.
          6 Inflorescence branches usually strongly ascendant (sometimes weakly spreading); culms often disarticulating at the first node; [tribe Arundineae]
          6 Inflorescence branches ascending, widely divergent, or nodding; culms not disarticulating at the first node; [collectively widespread, dry to wet sites]
             7 Florets 3-34 per spikelet; lemmas unawned; [tribe Eragrostideae; subtribe Eragrostidinae]
             7 Florets 2-3 per spikelet; lemmas awned or unawned; [tribe Poeae]
  2 Lemmas 5-many-nerved, the nerves often obscure; spikelets 2-70 mm long.
               8 Sheaths united for at least ½ their length.
                 9 Spikelets in dense one-sided clusters on a few stiff branches; spikelets strongly flattened; [tribe Poeae]
                 9 Spikelets in open or somewhat congested panicles, not as above; spikelets slightly to not at all flattened.
                     11 Callus of the lemma glabrous; [collectively widespread]; [tribe Bromeae]
                     11 Callus of the lemma pubescent; [of VA, WV, KY, and northward]; [tribe Meliceae]
                       12 Lower glumes 1-veined; [plants of wetlands]
                       12 Lower glumes 3-7-veined; [plants of mesic to dry habitats]
               8 Sheaths completely free or united at most up to ½ their length.
                            14 Ligule membranous (the membrane apex ciliate); lower 1-4 florets sterile; disarticulation above the glumes and between the florets; [of various, usually moist, habitats, collectively widespread]; [tribe Centotheceae]
                            14 Ligule of hairs; lower 2-8 florets sterile; disarticulation below the glumes (the spikelet falling whole); [of coastal dunes, from se. VA southward and westward]; [tribe Eragrostideae; subtribe Uniolinae]
                          13 Lowermost florets of the spikelet fertile; [tribe Poeae].
                              15 Lemmas about as broad as long, spreading at a ca. 90° angle to the rachilla
                                  17 Inflorescence pedicels to 0.5 mm thick (if to 0.8 mm as in Sclerochloa dura then culms usually prostrate and leaves also exceeding inflorescence length); panicle branches flexible; lemmas hardened or membranous but not coriaceous at maturity.
                                    18 Inflorescences usually exceeded by the leaves (or sometimes similar in length); culms usually prostrate or procumbent (occasionally ascending); plants often compact and low-growing; mature lemmas hardened
                                    18 Inflorescences exceeding the leaves; culms usually erect; plants compact or not; mature lemmas membranous
                                       19 Lemmas obscurely (3-) 5 (-7) nerved; spikelets 2.5-13 mm long; [habitats usually saline or alkaline]
                                       19 Lemmas prominently 5-9-nerved; spikelets 3.6-6.5 mm long; [habitats non-saline]