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Key to Echinochloa

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1 Panicle elongate, the branches few, distant, unbranched, and short, to 2 (-3) cm long; spikelets awnless; leaves 3-6 (-9) mm wide
1 Panicle broader, the branches numerous, approximate, often further branched, short to long, some (at least) exceeding 2 cm long; spikelets awnless or awned; leaves 5-30 mm wide.
  2 Lower sheaths usually papillate-pubescent; fertile lemma 2.5-4× as long as wide
  2 Lower sheaths glabrous; fertile lemma 1.5-2.5× as long as wide.
    3 Inflorescence erect, stiff; awns 0-25 mm long.
      4 Second glume and sterile lemma hairy or scabrous to nearly glabrous, the hairs usually not papillose-based; fertile lemma obtuse or broadly acute, with a thin, membranous (later withering) tip set off from the body by a line of minute hairs.
        5 Panicle fairly open, the branches erect, appressed, or spreading; spikelets green or purple-tinged, awnless or with a well-developed awn (to 25 mm long); leaves 5-15 mm wide; plants mostly 3-7 dm tall
        5 Panicle very crowded, the branches appressed to slightly spreading, the tips often incurved; spikelets purplish-brown, awnless (or with awn to 2 mm long); leaves mostly 15-30 mm wide; plants mostly 7-15 dm tall
      4 Second glume and sterile lemma usually with stout, papillose-based hairs on the veins; fertile lemma acuminate, abruptly narrowed to a firm, persistent tip.
          6 Spikelets < 3.5 mm long, not including the awn (if present); sterile lemma awnless or with an awn to 6 (-10) mm long
          6 Spikelets > 3.5 mm long, not including the awn (if present); sterile lemma usually awned (rarely awnless), the awn 6-25 mm long