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Key to Poaceae, Key D: rattail or cob grasses

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1 All spikelets unisexual, the pistillate and staminate spikelets either in separate inflorescences, or the pistillate spikelets below the staminate spikelets in the same inflorescence; leaves 9-120 mm wide; [tribe Andropogoneae].
  2 Pistillate spikelets below the staminate in the same inflorescence
  2 Pistillate and staminate spikelets in separate inflorescences, the pistillate inflorescences axillary, staminate inflorescences terminal
1 Some spikelets bisexual; leaves 1-25 mm wide.
    3 Spikelets with 2-7 florets, the lower bisexual and fertile, the upper sometimes sterile; [tribe Triticeae]
    3 Spikelets with at most 2 florets, the lower staminate or sterile, the upper bisexual, staminate, or sterile.
      4 Culms 2-45 cm tall; leaves 1-6 mm wide; plants annual (perennial in Eremochloa and Stenotaphrum).
        5 Plants obviously and prominently rhizomatous (Eremochloa) or stoloniferous (Stenotaphrum); lower glume with pectinate margins (Eremochloa) or irregularly toothed (Stenotaphrum)
          6 Plant rhizomatous; lower glume with pectinate margins; [commonly naturalized turf grass and roadside weed]; [tribe Andropogoneae]
          6 Plant stoloniferous; lower glume irregularly toothed; [naturalized turf grass and allegedly also native]; [tribe Paniceae]
        5 Plants annual; lower glume with smooth and cartilaginous margins (or absent); [rare waifs]; [tribe Poeae].
             7 Spikelets with 2 glumes
      4 Culms 30-400 cm tall; leaves 2-25 mm wide; plants annual or perennial; [tribe Andropogoneae].
               8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets rough, rugose, pitted, tuberculate or alveolate between the keels
               8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets smooth or scabrous.
                 9 Pedicels at least partially fused to the rame axes
                   10 Sheaths mostly glabrous (sparsely ciliate towards the base); plants perennial
                   10 Sheaths with stiff, papillose-based hairs 1-3 mm long; plants annual
                 9 Pedicels appressed, but not fused, to the rame axes.

Key to Poaceae, Key E: grasses of tribe Andropogoneae (also including grasses also keyed in Keys B, C, and D)

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1 Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 2-10 cm long, 2.5-7× as long as wide; plants weak-stemmed annuals, branching, decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes; [exotic weeds].
  2 Leaves cordate-clasping at base; spikelets awned, not paired, unaccompanied by a vestige; each panicle with 12-20 rames
  2 Leaves tapering to a broadly cuneate base; spikelets unawned, paired (one of the pair sometimes vestigial); each panicle with 1-few rames
1 Leaves lanceolate to linear, either longer or proportionately narrower; plants either perennial or coarse annuals with erect and mostly unbranched culms.
    3 Spikelets embedded in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus like an ear of corn), or fitting into grooves in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus cylindrical and resembling a rat's tail), or the pistillate inflorescences enclosed in a hard, bead-like, pearly-white, modified bract.
      4 Spikelets unisexual, with male and female spikelets in separate inflorescences or in different parts of the same inflorescence.
        5 Internode narrower than and more-or-less enclosed by the female spikelet
        5 Internode broader than and more-or-less enclosing the female spikelet.
          6 Racemes of mixed sex, female flowers below, and male above
          6 Racemes of single sex, the female inflorescences (“ears”) borne on axillary branches, the male inflorescences (“tassels”) terminal on the culm
      4 Spikelets, or at least one of each pair, bisexual.
             7 Culms 2-45 cm tall; leaves 1-5 mm wide; plants perennial, obviously and prominently rhizomatous; lower glume with pectinate margins; [commonly naturalized turf grass and roadside weed]
             7 Culms 30-400 cm tall; leaves 2-25 mm wide; plants annual or perennial, cespitose or short-rhizomatous; lower glume winged or not, but not pectinate.
               8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets rough, rugose, pitted, tuberculate or alveolate between the keels
               8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets smooth or scabrous.
                 9 Pedicels at least partially fused to the rame axes
                 9 Pedicels appressed, but not fused, to the rame axes
    3 Spikelets not embedded or fitting into grooves in the rachis, the rachis slender (the spikelets visibly separate and often pedicelled).
                     11 Pedicelled spikelet similar to the sessile spikelet, both fertile.
                       12 Spikelets falling separately from the persistent rachis.
                       12 Spikelets falling in pairs together with sections of the disarticulating rachis.
                            14 Spikelets awned with awns 10-26 mm long; anthers 2; [native, collectively common and widespread]
                            14 Spikelets unawned or with awns to 5.2 mm long; anthers 3; [exotic, rarely encountered]
                     11 Pedicelled spikelet differing from the sessile in shape and sex (sometimes represented only by a pedicel).
                                16 Spikelets with or without awns, if awned the awns < 5 cm long.
                                    18 Inflorescence a panicle (false panicles in Hyparrhenia), the branches not subtended by sheaths.
                                       19 Inflorescence a false panicle with numerous inflorescence units; peduncles with 2 rames in digitate clusters (1 almost sessile, the other rame stalked and both bearing 7-14 heterogamous spikelet pairs), disarticulation in the rames beneath the bisexual spikelets; spikelets a mix of heterogamous and homogamous pairs; awns of the lemma 1-3.5 cm long; [non-natives]
                                       19 Inflorescences true panicles (with evident rachises); disarticulation beneath the sessile spikelets (or not occurring at all); spikelets only heterogamous; awns of the lemma (5-) 10-40 mm long (when present); [native and non-natives].
                                         20 Pedicelled spikelet represented by pedicel only; apex of sheath bearing 2 auricles 1-10 mm long; awns of the lemmas once or twice-geniculate; [native]
image of plant
Show caption*© Jake Smith, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Jake Smith
                                           21 Racemes 2-13 per peduncle and raceme sheath.
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
                                             22 Pedicels of the pedicelled (reduced or absent) spikelets terete or slightly flattened and grooved on one side only.
                                             22 Pedicels of the pedicelled (reduced or absent) spikelets strongly flattened and with or without grooves on both sides.
                                                 24 Rame internodes and pedicels with a translucent medial groove; pedicelled spikelets smaller than the sessile spikelets (or vestigial/absent)
                                                 24 Rame internodes and pedicels without a translucent medial groove; pedicelled spikelets ca. the same size as sessile spikelets