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Key to Poaceae, Key D: rattail or cob grasses
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1 All spikelets unisexual, the pistillate and staminate spikelets either in separate inflorescences, or the pistillate spikelets below the staminate spikelets in the same inflorescence; leaves 9-120 mm wide; [tribe Andropogoneae]. | |
2 Pistillate and staminate spikelets in separate inflorescences, the pistillate inflorescences axillary, staminate inflorescences terminal | |
1 Some spikelets bisexual; leaves 1-25 mm wide. | |
5 Plants obviously and prominently rhizomatous (Eremochloa) or stoloniferous (Stenotaphrum); lower glume with pectinate margins (Eremochloa) or irregularly toothed (Stenotaphrum) | |
6 Plant rhizomatous; lower glume with pectinate margins; [commonly naturalized turf grass and roadside weed]; [tribe Andropogoneae] | |
6 Plant stoloniferous; lower glume irregularly toothed; [naturalized turf grass and allegedly also native]; [tribe Paniceae] | |
5 Plants annual; lower glume with smooth and cartilaginous margins (or absent); [rare waifs]; [tribe Poeae]. | |
8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets rough, rugose, pitted, tuberculate or alveolate between the keels | |
Key to Poaceae, Key E: grasses of tribe Andropogoneae (also including grasses also keyed in Keys B, C, and D)
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1 Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 2-10 cm long, 2.5-7× as long as wide; plants weak-stemmed annuals, branching, decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes; [exotic weeds]. | |
1 Leaves lanceolate to linear, either longer or proportionately narrower; plants either perennial or coarse annuals with erect and mostly unbranched culms. | |
3 Spikelets embedded in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus like an ear of corn), or fitting into grooves in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus cylindrical and resembling a rat's tail), or the pistillate inflorescences enclosed in a hard, bead-like, pearly-white, modified bract. | |
4 Spikelets unisexual, with male and female spikelets in separate inflorescences or in different parts of the same inflorescence. | |
4 Spikelets, or at least one of each pair, bisexual. | |
7 Culms 2-45 cm tall; leaves 1-5 mm wide; plants perennial, obviously and prominently rhizomatous; lower glume with pectinate margins; [commonly naturalized turf grass and roadside weed] | |
7 Culms 30-400 cm tall; leaves 2-25 mm wide; plants annual or perennial, cespitose or short-rhizomatous; lower glume winged or not, but not pectinate. | |
8 Lower glumes of the sessile spikelets rough, rugose, pitted, tuberculate or alveolate between the keels | |
14 Spikelets unawned or with awns to 5.2 mm long; anthers 3; [exotic, rarely encountered] | |
16 Spikelets awned, the awn 10-20 cm long. | |
19 Inflorescence a false panicle with numerous inflorescence units; peduncles with 2 rames in digitate clusters (1 almost sessile, the other rame stalked and both bearing 7-14 heterogamous spikelet pairs), disarticulation in the rames beneath the bisexual spikelets; spikelets a mix of heterogamous and homogamous pairs; awns of the lemma 1-3.5 cm long; [non-natives] | |
19 Inflorescences true panicles (with evident rachises); disarticulation beneath the sessile spikelets (or not occurring at all); spikelets only heterogamous; awns of the lemma (5-) 10-40 mm long (when present); [native and non-natives]. | |
20 Pedicelled spikelet represented by pedicel only; apex of sheath bearing 2 auricles 1-10 mm long; awns of the lemmas once or twice-geniculate; [native] | |
24 Rame internodes and pedicels with a translucent medial groove; pedicelled spikelets smaller than the sessile spikelets (or vestigial/absent) | |
24 Rame internodes and pedicels without a translucent medial groove; pedicelled spikelets ca. the same size as sessile spikelets |