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Key to Erianthus

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1 Lowermost inflorescence node densely hairy; callus hairs (ring of hairs beneath the spikelet) (7-) 9-25 mm long, equal to or longer than the spikelet; stem appressed-pubescent below the inflorescence, on the internodes as well as the nodes.
  2 Lemma awn flattened and spirally twisted at base; callus hairs 9-14 mm long, silvery or tinged with purple; leaves usually glabrous on the upper surface at maturity; [of moist to dry sites, rarely in wetlands]
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
  2 Lemma awn nearly terete, straight or slightly flexuous; callus hairs (7-) 15-20 (-25) mm long, tawny or brown; leaves usually pilose on the upper surface at maturity; [of moist to wet sites, rarely in uplands]
1 Lowermost inflorescence node glabrous; callus hairs (ring of hairs beneath the spikelet) 0-6.5 mm long, shorter than or equal to the spikelet (or absent in E. strictus); stem glabrous below the inflorescence, except sometimes on the nodes.
    3 Callus hairs (ring of hairs beneath the spikelet) absent, or of few hairs 0-2 mm long (much shorter than the spikelet); panicle branches closely appressed, the panicle usually 1-3 cm broad (even at maturity); panicle branches glabrous
    3 Callus hairs (ring of hairs beneath the spikelet) present, dense, 3-6.5 mm long (from about half as long to about as long as the spikelet); panicle branches ascending, the panicle usually 4-10 cm broad; panicle branches pubescent.
      4 Awn of the lemma of the upper floret terete at the base, and not spiraled; spikelets dark brown; spikelet pair dissimilar in size, the lemma of the upper floret 0.7-0.8× as long as the lemma of the lower floret; lemma of the lower floret typically 3-nerved
      4 Awn of the lemma of the upper floret flattened at the base, either spiraled or not; spikelets straw-colored or purplish; spikelet pair homomorphic, the upper lemma 0.9-1.0× as long as the lower lemma; lemma of the lower floret not distinctly nerved.
        5 Awn of the lemma of the upper floret not basally spiraled, 10-18 mm long; lemma of the upper floret entire
        5 Awn of the lemma of the upper floret basally spiraled, 15-22 mm long; lemma of the upper floret bifid, the tooth on either side of the lemma 2.0-2.5 mm long