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Key to Poaceae, Key B: robust herbaceous grasses

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1 Inflorescence an array of spikes, the spikelets closely imbricate in 2 rows along the rachis of the spikes, the spikes alternate along the primary inflorescence axis; [tribe Zoysieae; subtribe Sporobolinae]
1 Inflorescence otherwise, either the spikelets embedded or in grooves in an thickened rachis, or the inflorescence a slender or broad panicle.
  2 Spikelets embedded in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus like an ear of corn), or fitting into grooves in the thickened rachis (the inflorescence thus cylindrical and resembling a rat's tail). Spikelets unisexual, with male and female spikelets in separate inflorescences or in different parts of the same inflorescence; [tribe Andropogoneae].
    3 Racemes of mixed sex (female below, male above)
    3 Racemes of single sex
  2 Spikelets not embedded or fitting into grooves in the rachis, the inflorescence a slender or broad panicle (the spikelets visibly separate and often pedicelled).
      4 Spikelets with a single floret, this unisexual (either pistillate or staminate); plants with aerenchymatous culms, [plants of seasonally or tidally flooded wetlands]; [tribe Oryzeae].
        5 Pistillate spikelets on the upper branches of the panicle, staminate spikelets on the lower branches; lemmas and paleas clasping along their margins; plants annual
        5 Pistillate and staminate spikelets intermingled on the same branches of the inflorescence; lemma margins free; plants perennial
      4 Spikelets with 2 or more florets, at least some of these bisexual; plants without aerenchymatous culms, [plants of uplands or temporarily to seasonally flooded wetlands].
          6 Spikelets with 2-8 florets, these bisexual.
             7 Leaves primarily basal, plants densely cespitose.
               8 Panicles not plumose; [tribe Arundineae]
               8 Panicles plumose; [tribe Danthonieae]
             7 Leaves cauline; plants short to long rhizomatous, usually somewhat clumped (short rhizomatous to cespitose in Neyraudia).
                 9 Lemmas 3-veined, the apices bifid and shortly awned from between the teeth; [tribe Cynodonteae]
                 9 Lemmas 3-7 veined, the apices not bifid (instead either unawned, entire, or only minutely awned); plants rhizomatous; [tribe Arundineae]
                   10 Lemmas pilose; rachilla glabrous; plants short-rhizomatous (somewhat clumped); culms to 10 m tall; [plants of uplands or saturated or temporarily flooded wetlands]
                   10 Lemmas glabrous; rachilla sericeous; plants long rhizomatous; culms to 4 m tall; [plants of uplands or saturated, tidally flooded, or seasonally flooded wetlands]
          6 Spikelets almost always with 2 florets, the lower florets sterile or staminate (sometimes reduced to lemmas or completely absent).
image of plant
Show caption*© Nate Hartley, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Nate Hartley
                     11 Spikelets falling separately, not attached to rachis segments, stalks, or bristles; spikelets <2× as long as wide; [tribe Paniceae].
                       12 Spikelets (at least the terminal) subtended by 1-many stiff, terete bristles
                       12 Spikelets not subtended by stiff bristles.
                            14 Fertile (upper) florets shiny and black to brown-colored when mature; the glumes abruptly apiculate and (internally) oily, the lower glume bases saccate; plants erect, arching, climbing, or decumbent; [s. FL only in our flora area]
                            14 Fertile florets not shiny and black when mature; glume apices truncate to acuminate, but not abruptly apiculate (nor internally oily); plants growing variously, but rarely arching or decumbent
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
                     11 Spikelets falling with attached rachis segments, stalks, or bristles; spikelets >3× as long as wide; [tribe Andropogoneae].
                              15 Pedicelled spikelet differing from the sessile in shape and sex (sometimes represented only by a pedicel).
                                  17 Pedicelled spikelet represented by pedicel only; apex of sheath bearing 2 auricles 1-10 mm long; [native]
                                       19 Spikelets awned with awns 10-26 mm long; anthers 2; [native, collectively common and widespread]
                                       19 Spikelets unawned or with awns to 5.2 mm long; anthers 3; [exotic, rarely encountered]

Key to Poaceae, Key I: rice grasses, of tribe Oryzeae (also including grasses keyed as well in Key B)

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1 Lemma margins free; plants perennial.
  2 Plants either < 1 m tall or a floating aquatic with lax stems to 1.5 m long
  2 Plants 1-4 m tall, emergent, the stems stout, not lax
1 Lemmas and paleas clasping along their margins; plants annual or perennial.
    3 Spikelets either pistillate or staminate, the upper branches of the panicle with pistillate spikelets, the lower branches with staminate spikelets; grains terete
    3 Spikelets bisexual; grains laterally flattened.
      4 Glumes absent and also lacking glume-like sterile florets subtending the floret; lemmas and paleas pectinately ciliate-hispid on the margins; [native]
      4 Glumes absent or greatly reduced, glume-like sterile florets subtending the fertile floret; lemmas and paleas glabrous or pubescent, but not pectinately ciliate hispid on the margins; [introduced]