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Key to Ceratophyllum
1 Largest leaves forking 1-2× (count branching-nodes from the base of the leaf to the tip of the most-forked division); leaves coarse-textured, stiff, the marginal denticles usually strongly raised on a broad base of green tissue; achene margin wingless, with 2 basal spines or tubercles (these rarely absent), otherwise entire (lacking marginal spines) | |
1 Largest leaves forking 3-4× (count branching nodes from the base of the leaf to the tip of the most-forked division); leaves fine-textured, flaccid, the marginal denticles not raised on a broad base of green tissue, sometimes obscure or obsolete; achene margin winged, with 2-20 lateral spines 0.1-6.5 mm long (occasionally spineless), with 2 basal spines (these rarely absent). | |