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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

2024 has been a banner year for making the best flora we can imagine. We've created:
With financial support from people like you, we are aiming even higher in 2025. Together we can accomplish all this: Vote on our 2025 priorities
  • Add Global Conservation Ranks (GRanks) vote
  • Professional graphic keys (polyclaves) to individual families/genera vote
  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
  • Image overlays highlighting diagnostic characters with arrows vote
  • iNaturalist integration in FloraQuest vote
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We've set a goal of recruiting 200 ongoing supporters to donate $15 or more each month in 2025. Please help us reach this goal and make next year's flora even better:

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Key to Parthenocissus

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1 Leaves 3-lobed to 3-foliolate, no leaves 5-foliolate; trailing juvenile plants with 3-foliolate leaves towards the base and 1-foliolate leaves towards the tip of the shoot; [introduced ornamental, rarely escaped]
1 Leaves (3-) 5-7-foliolate, at least some leaves (on a plant with more than 5 nodes) 5-7-foliolate; trailing juvenile plants with 5-7-foliolate leaves towards the base and 3-foliolate (or rarely one or a few 1-foliolate leaves) towards the tip; [native].
  2 Larger leaves 7-foliolate; leaflets thick and fleshy in texture when fresh, 3-5 cm long; leaflets > 1.8× as long as wide; [of c. TX, barely entering our region on the western edge of e. TX]
  2 Larger leaves 5-foliolate; leaflets herbaceous in texture when fresh, 4-12 cm long; leaflets < 1.5× as long as wide; [collectively widespread in our area].
    3 Inflorescence with a well-developed (zigzag) central axis, the dichotomous branches very unequal, the inflorescence therefore paniculiform, with a total of 25-200+ flowers; tendrils with mostly 3-8 branches, most or all branches terminating with adhesive disks (though young shoots may not have the disks yet formed); leaves usually dull above, medium green; leaflets sessile, subsessile, or short-petiolulate (usually < 5 mm long); leaflet margins toothed primarily past the widest point, with few and obscure teeth below that point; berries 4-8 mm in diameter; [widespread in our area]
    3 Inflorescence without a well-developed central axis, the dichotomous branches relatively equal, the inflorescence therefore corymbiform, as wide or wider than long, with 2-3 main branches, with a total of 10-60 flowers; tendrils with mostly 3-5 branches, usually none terminating in adhesive disks (though sometimes swollen at the tip); leaves usually glossy above, often dark green; leaflets borne on long petiolules, often > 10 mm long; leaflet margins coarsely and jaggedly toothed, the teeth usually prominent in the lower half of each leaflet as well as the upper half; berries 6-12 mm in diameter; [from e. VA, n. WV northward, but also cultivated and spreading from horticultural use]