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Key to Baptisia

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1 Leaves 1-foliolate, sessile or perfoliate.
  2 Leaves perfoliate; plant glabrous or nearly so; [widespread, from s. SC southward]
  2 Leaves sessile; plant glabrous or densely cobwebby pubescent; [narrow endemics of GA and FL].
    3 Plant cobwebby-pubescent; leaves ca. 1× as long as wide, cordate at base; corolla 9-11 mm long, yellow; [of e. GA (Brantley and Wayne counties)]
    3 Plant glabrous; leaves 1.3-1.6× as long as wide, rounded to broadly cuneate at base; corolla 12-15 mm long, pale yellow to greenish; [of the FL Panhandle (Franklin, Gadsden, Leon, Liberty, and Wakulla counties)]
1 Leaves 3-foliolate, petiolate or sessile.
      4 Flowering or fruiting pedicels bracteolate; corolla 11-14 mm long
          6 Plant glabrous; [of ne. FL (Clay and St. Johns counties)]
          6 Plant tomentose to hirsute; [of FL Panhandle (Escambia, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton counties) and s. AL (Covington County)]
      4 Flowering or fruiting pedicels lacking bracteoles; corolla larger (except B. tinctoria).