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1 Herb (annual or perennial, the perennials sometimes suffrutescent), green or reddish; [collectively widespread]. | |
2 Leaflets 1 pair per leaf, asymmetrically obovate, < 1.7× as long as wide; [series Bauhinianae] | |
2 Leaflets 2-25 pairs per leaf, obliquely oblong, 2-7× as long as wide. | |
4 Flowers > 1.9 cm in diameter, the long petal 11-15 mm long; [s. FL]; [series Chamaecrista] | |
4 Flowers < 1.8 cm in diameter, the long petal 3-7 mm long; [FL or TX] | |
6 Functional stamens of the outer whorl 5, the inner whorl of 2-3 reduced or rudimentary stamens; stipule bases cordate and auriculate; hairs of the stem both incurved and setose, the setae (1-) 1.5-4.; 5 (-5) mm long | |
7 Corolla 0.8-1.0 cm in diameter, the larger petals 4-7 (-8) mm long; functional stamens 4-8; fruits (15-) 18-32 (-36) mm long. | |
8 Petiole incurved-puberulent with hairs 0-0.8 mm long; petiolar gland stalked-cupuliform or stalked-discoid; functional stamens 4-5; leaflets 3-5× as long as wide | |
7 Corolla 2.0-3.5 cm in diameter, the larger petals 12-20 mm long; functional stamens 10; fruits 25-75 (-85) mm long. | |
11 Peduncles strictly axillary; pedicels 0-4 mm long; styles 4-9 mm long; [series Flexuosae] | |
12 Horizontal root to ca. 46+ cm long; anthers yellow to yellow-brown; flowering late May-early Aug; [sandy and clayey pine and oak woodlands of s. AL, sw. GA, se. MS, and the w. FL panhandle] | |
14 Surface of leaflets pubescent; [from w. Panhandle FL and s. AL westward] | |
14 Surface of leaflets glabrous; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
15 Petiolar gland depressed, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, raised at both ends; pods 6-10 cm long; plant usually glabrous or glabrescent, to 24 dm tall | |