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Key to Leucaena

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1 Pinna pairs 10-15 (-20) per leaf; leaflet pairs 20-25 (-30) per pinna
1 Pinna pairs 4-8 per leaf; leaflet pairs 13-16 per pinna.
  2 Young shoots, leaves, and unripe legumes densely white velutinous; heads 12-17 mm in diameter at anthesis, with < 125 flowers per head; mature legumes 9-13 cm long, 13-18 mm wide; fruit stipe 7-10 mm long
  2 Young shoots, leaves, and unripe legumes glabrous; heads > 18 mm in diameter at anthesis, with > 120 flowers per head; mature legumes 12-19 cm long, 18-21 mm wide; fruit stipe 10-20 mm long