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Key to Parkinsonia

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1 Leaf rachis 10-30 cm long; trees to 10 m tall
1 Leaf rachis 1-2 cm long; shrubs or trees to 4 m tall.
  2 Ovary glabrous or nearly so; legume 7-9 (-10) mm wide, glabrous to the base; leaflets 2-3 (-4) pairs per pinna; trees (to 4 m tall), single-stemmed; [more coastal, inland to McMullen, Duval, and Starr counties, TX]
  2 Ovary densely pubescent; legume 4.5-7 mm wide, appressed-pubescent (at least near the base); leaflets 1-2 pairs per pinna; shrubs, often multi-stemmed from the base; [more inland, coastwards to Duval, Jim Hogg, and Hidalgo counties]