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Key to Rhynchosia
1 Leaves trifoliolate (rarely with a few lowermost leaves unifoliolate, these generally withering before flowering and fruiting). | |
4 Plant erect; pubescence of the lower leaf surface not restricted to the veins (except in the rare upright forms of R. difformis keyed below). | |
5 Terminal leaflet elliptic1.6-2.5× as long as wide; plants erect. | |
6 Plant lavishly branched, bushy (with something of the aspect of a Baptisia); terminal leaflets 0.5-2.0 cm long; pubescence of the lower leaf surface sparse, not velvety to the touch; flowers solitary (-3) in leaf axils | |
6 Plant unbranched or with few well-developed branches in its upper portion; terminal leaflets (2.0-) 2.5-5 cm long; pubescence of the lower leaf surface grayish tomentose and velvety to the touch; flowers many, in racemes. | |
7 Inflorescence a single exserted terminal raceme, 5-20 cm long; stipules caducous; [plants of s. SC southward] | |
7 Inflorescences several and axillary, each 1-3 cm long (or with a short terminal inflorescence also); stipules persistent; [plants widespread in our area] | |
9 Calyx 10-14 mm long; inflorescence (including peduncle) 5-25 cm at anthesis, elongating further in fruit, with flowers scattered; [MS and w. TN westward] | |
9 Calyx 7-10 (-12) mm long; inflorescence (including peduncle) 1-2 cm long at anthesis, elongating to 4 (-8) cm, the flowers tightly packed; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
10 Terminal leaflet 1-5 cm long. | |
11 Pubescence of petiole of mostly incurved hairs 0.2-0.4 mm long; terminal leaflet 1-3 (-3.5) cm long; plants generally trailing; [of ne. FL southward] | |
11 Pubescence of petiole of mostly spreading hairs 0.5-0.6 mm long; terminal leaflet (2-) 2.5-5 cm long; plants generally twining; [widespread in our area] | |
12 Flowers 1-3 per inflorescence; leaflets 2.2-5× as long as wide; [se. TX and s. TX southwards and westwards] | |
12 Flowers 2-15 per inflorescence; leaflets 0.8-2.5× as long as wide; [e. GA southwards and westwards, including se. and s. TX]. | |
14 Lower surface of leaflet cinereous-villosulous, the hairs largely obscuring the glands; seeds brown | |
14 Lower surface of leaflet inconspicuously puberulent, the yellow glands evident; seeds red or red-and-black. | |