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2 Corolla 10-12 mm long; leaflets 4-5× as long as wide; [historically on ballast, s. AL] | |
2 Corolla 7-11 mm long; leaflets 4-20× as long as wide; [natural habitats, c. and s. peninsular FL]. | |
3 Plant minutely strigose; leaflets (2.5-) 4-20× as long as wide. | |
4 Leaflets (2.5-) 4-8× as long as wide, the broader with reticulate venation interconnecting the ascending secondary veins. | |
6 Corolla bicolored, the standard yellow and the wings pink; racemes terminal; stems erect; stamens monadelphous; leaves with (9-) 13-23 (-37) leaflets. | |
7 Inflorescence reduced, foliose, flowers solitary or in small clusters overtopped by leaves; plants < 25 cm tall; leaflets generally < 10 mm long and < 5 mm wide; [restricted to the West Gulf Coastal Plain of sw. GA, adjacent FL and westward] | |
7 Inflorescence terminal, not foliose and overtopped by leaves; plants > 25 cm tall; leaflets generally > 10 mm long and > 5 mm wide; [widespread in our area] | |
6 Corolla unicolored, initially white or pink, darkening in age to a dark maroon or purple; racemes opposite the leaves (the uppermost appearing terminal); stems decumbent or ascending; stamens diadelphous or submonadelphous (see below); leaves with (3-) 5-23 (-27) leaflets. | |
10 Inflorescences with 1-several reduced leaves; inflorescences mainly borne terminally on the principal axis or branches | |
10 Inflorescences lacking leaves (sometimes with 1 reduced leaf); inflorescences mainly borne leaf-opposed. | |
11 Petiole (1-) 2-4× as long as the lowest leaflets of the leaf; peduncle and rachis of inflorescence strongly flattened (2-angled, or rarely, 3-angled) in cross-section; leaflets averaging 25 mm long and 12 mm wide | |
11 Petiole 1/3-1× as long as the lowest leaflets of the leaf; peduncle and rachis of inflorescence terete or inconspicuously 2-4-angled in cross-section; leaflets averaging smaller. | |
14 Inflorescence with 1-3 (-5) nodes; plants inconspicuously pubescent with gray hairs (the hairs appressed or spreading, short to fairly long); leaflets (3-) avg. 5-6 (-7) mm wide, mostly acute; [plants of the Coastal Plain of NC and SC] | |
14 Inflorescence with 2-20 nodes; plants conspicuously tawny long-pilose with rusty brown hairs; leaflets (6-) avg. 8 (-12) mm wide, mostly obtuse; [plants widespread in our area] |