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Key to Thermopsis

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1 Legumes erect or strongly ascending, densely villous; stipules clasping, those of the principal leaves (20-) 35-65 mm long, 10-30 mm wide; pedicels 2-3 mm long; plants mostly 6-20 dm tall, strict or few-branched
1 Legumes spreading to ascending, glabrate or pubescent; stipules not clasping, those of the principal leaves 12-25 (-32) mm long, 1-5 mm wide; pedicels 4-20 mm long; plants mostly 3-10 dm tall, branched.
  2 Plants from a single woody rootstock, mostly 5-10 dm tall; calyx glabrous or very sparsely pubescent, often also glaucous, the lobes often only 1-1.5 mm long; pedicels glabrate, (4-) 7-20 mm long (as long as or longer than the bracts); racemes terminal or lateral; plants flowering (late May-) early Jun-Jul; [plants of moderate to high elevations, (300-) 700-2000 m]
  2 Plants from extensive rhizomes, mostly 3-6 dm tall; calyx pubescent, the lobes 2-2.5 mm long; pedicels villosulous, 2-6 (-10) mm long (shorter than the bracts); racemes terminal; plants flowering late Apr-early May (-Jun); [plants of low to moderate elevations, 200-800 m]