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Key to Wisteria

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1 Legume and ovary glabrous; pedicels 5-10 (-15) mm long; standard reflexed near the middle; seeds reniform; leaflet margins plane; leaflet apices acute to slightly acuminate; [native species of swamps and bottomland forests and thickets]
  2 Upper lip of the calyx < 0.5× as long as the tube; inflorescence usually 4-15 cm long; pedicels and calyx with 0-few clavate glands
  2 Upper lip of the calyx 0.7-1.2× as long as the tube; inflorescence usually 15-30 cm long; pedicels and calyx densely clavate-glandular
1 Legume and ovary velvety pubescent; pedicels 15-20 mm long; standard reflexed at the base; seeds lenticular; leaflet margins undulate; leaflet apices mainly strongly acuminate; [introduced species, naturalized in a wide variety of situations].
    3 Standard 20-23.5 mm long, 21-23 mm wide; leaflets (7-) 9-11 (-13) per leaf; raceme to 33 cm long, with 25-95 flowers opening nearly simultaneously; vine twining clockwise (dextrorse; from lower left ascending to upper right)
    3 Standard 16-18 mm long, 16-18 mm wide; leaflets 7-17 (-19) per leaf; raceme to 132 cm long, with 25-170 flowers opening nearly simultaneously or sequentially; vine twining counter-clockwise (sinistrorse; from lower right ascending to upper left).
      4 Auricles of the standard’s callosity 1.1-1.2 mm long; leaflets (11-) 13-17 (-19) per leaf; raceme to 132 cm long, with the 50-170 flowers opening successively from base to the tip of the inflorescence, those at the base withering before those at the tip have opened
      4 Auricles of the standard’s callosity 0.7-0.8 mm long; leaflets 7-17 per leaf; racemes to 36 cm long