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Key to Amelanchier

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1 Inflorescences 1-3 (-4)-flowered; leaves imbricate in bud, bases cuneate; petioles 2-10 (-15) mm; [WV northward]
1 Inflorescences usually 4-many-flowered; leaves conduplicate in bud, bases truncate or rounded to cordate (rarely cuneate); petioles usually at least 10 mm; [collectively widespread].
  2 Margins of mature leaves with 2-6 teeth per cm; lateral leaf veins or their forks usually extending into teeth (as readily visible without magnification); ovary summit densely lanuginose.
    3 Petals 6-10 mm; hypanthia campanulate
    3 Petals 11-18 mm; hypanthia saucer-shaped
  2 Margins of mature leaves with 4-10 (-15) teeth per cm; lateral leaf veins mostly becoming indistinct near margin and not entering teeth; ovary summit glabrous, sparsely pubescent, or densely lanuginose.
      4 Ovary summit densely lanuginose; expanding leaves densely tomentose below.
        5 Petals (15-) 16.6-19.7 (-22) mm long; inflorescences typically 38-57 mm long
        5 Petals 2.6-10 mm long; inflorescences typically 22-37 mm long
          6 Petals 2.6-5.8 mm long, 1-3 mm wide, sometimes andropetalous; plants cespitose; primary stems tending to be stiffly erect
          6 Petals 6-10 mm long, 2.5-4 (-5) mm wide, not andropetalous; plants rhizomatous and in loosely scattered colonies; stems straggling-ascending
      4 Ovary summit glabrous or sparsely pubescent; expanding leaves glabrous to densely tomentose below.
             7 Plants rhizomatous, shrubs 0.2-2.5 m tall; petals 2.6-7.7 mm long.
               8 Petals 2.6-5.8 mm long, 1-3 mm wide, sometimes andropetalous; leaves elliptic to oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic; sepals ± recurving
               8 Petals 5.9-7.7 mm long, 2.6-3.6 mm wide, rarely andropetalous and much narrower than sterile stamens; leaves elliptic or oval to oblong or often obovate; sepals spreading
             7 Plants not rhizomatous, shrubs to 8 m tall or trees to 20 m tall; petals (6-) 8-20 mm long.
                 9 Inflorescences erect; petals 6-12 mm.
                   10 Young leaves at flowering less than half-expanded and unfolded, green, densely tomentose on the lower surface; proximal flowering pedicels 0.5-2 cm long; sepals erect or loosely spreading
                   10 Young leaves at flowering half-expanded or more and unfolding, often reddish, and sparsely pubescent or glabrescent on the lower surface; proximal flowering pedicels 1-1.5 cm long; sepals ascending to recurving
                 9 Inflorescences drooping; petals 10-20 mm long.
                     11 Young leaves at flowering folded, green or brownish, and densely tomentose below; sepals reflexed shortly after flowering; proximal flowering pedicels 0.8-1.7 cm long; pomes maroon-purple, insipid
                     11 Young leaves at flowering unfolding, reddish, and glabrous (or nearly so) below; sepals spreading to recurved after flowering; proximal flowering pedicels 1.5-3 cm long; pomes blackish purple, sweet