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Key to Fragaria

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1 Fruit (at least the larger on a plant) usually > 1.5 cm thick; petals 10-15 mm long; leaves evergreen; [cultivated, rarely persistent]
1 Fruit 0.5-1.5 cm thick; petals 3-10 mm long; leaves deciduous (at least tardily so); [native].
  2 Achenes set in pits on the mature receptacle; calyx lobes appressed to the developing fruit (after petal drop); petals 7-10 (-12) mm long; principal lateral veins diverging from the midrib of the leaflet at an angle of ca. 30 degrees; terminal tooth of leaflets < ½ as wide as the adjacent teeth, and surpassed by them in length; inflorescence corymbose; leaflets petiolulate
  2 Achenes superficial on the mature receptacle; calyx lobes spreading to reflexed from the developing fruit (after petal drop); petals 4-7 mm long; principal lateral veins diverging from the midrib of the leaflet at an angle of ca. 45 degrees; terminal tooth of leaflets > ½ as wide as the adjacent teeth, as long as or surpassing them in length; inflorescence racemose or paniculate; leaflets sessile or subsessile.
    3 Long hairs of the petioles and peduncles ascending to appressed; flowers (in life) 12-14.6 mm across
    3 Long hairs of the petioles and peduncles spreading to retrorse; flowers (in life) 13.2-20.5 mm across