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2 Stems glabrous, eglandular; terminal leaflet petiolules 9-13 mm; pedicels glabrous, 12-30 mm; hypanthia cupulate, densely setose [section Laevigatae] | |
5 Pedicels 18-25 mm, glabrous, eglandular; flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, hypanthium elongate-ovoid, 4-6.5 mm x 2-3 mm, eglandular; carpels 12-20, styles pubescent, exserted 3.5-5 mm beyond orifices (1.5-2 mm in diameter) of flat discs (3-4 mm in diameter) | |
5 Pedicels 5-12 mm, tomentose, stipitate glandular at least near the base; flowers 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter; hypanthium 2 mm × 1-1.5 mm, eglandular or stipitate-glandular; carpels 6-11, styles glabrous, exserted 3-4 mm beyond the orifice (0.5-1 mm in diameter) of conical discs (2-3 mm in diameter) | |
6 Sepals entire, tapering to apex, persistent on fruit and erect or nearly erect; flowers generally solitary, or with 1-3 laterals. | |
8 Inflorescence of a solitary flower (rarely with a few laterals), the paired bracts on the pedicel caducous; [section Gallicae]. | |
8 Inflorescence either corymbose, or of a solitary flower and its pedicel subtended by persistent bracts. | |
10 Sepals disparate in size and shape, the outer pinnatifid with leafy segments; orifice of the hypanthium ca. 1 mm in diameter, the styles slightly exserted; [exotics]; [section Caninae]. | |
11 Stems to 5 m tall, prickles all similar; leaflets abaxially glabrous or rarely pubescent on midveins, eglandular; bracts 6-18 mm × 4-5 mm, glabrous; sepals abaxially eglandular | |
12 Stipules 10-16 (-20) mm × 3-4 mm, margins densely glandular-ciliate; leaflet blades 15-30 (-60) mm × 8-22 (-50) mm, abaxial surfaces tomentose; glands of the leaves resin-scented; bracts persistent, tomentose, margins ciliate-glandular; pedicels (11-) 20-35 mm long, densely stipitate-glandular; flowers 3.5-5 cm in diameter; hips dark red, 10-15 mm × 10-12 mm, sepals caducous before hips mature | |
12 Stipules 6-10 mm × 2-4 mm, margins mostly stipitate-glandular; leaflet blades 10-22 mm × 8-15 mm, abaxial surfaces glabrous or pubescent; glands of the leaves apple-scented; bracts caducous, glabrous, margins stipitate-glandular; pedicels 6-9 mm long, densely stipitate- or setose-glandular; flowers 2.5-4 cm in diameter; hips red, 10-25 mm × 10-22 mm, sepals subpersistent. | |
10 Sepals alike, all entire or with a few scarcely leafy teeth near the base; orifice of the hypanthium ca. 2-4 mm in diameter, the opening blocked by the stigmas; [natives and exotics]; [section Cinnamomeae]. | |
17 Lower leaf surface with generally < 2 hairs per mm²; infrastipular prickles always absent on new stems; bristles always present on new stems; leaflets 7-9 | |
17 Lower leaf surface with generally >2 hairs per mm²; infrastipular prickles present or absent on new stems; bristles generally absent on new stems; leaflets 5-7 | |
15 Hypanthium with glands. | |
19 Infrastipular prickles present. | |
20 Fertile branches armed with straight, thin or rarely stout, circular or somewhat flattened infrastipular prickles, lacking internodal prickles or aciculi (or if these present , few and scattered); stems mostly thin, pendent or upright; hypanthia (later hips) and pedicels stipitate-glandular (rarely eglandular) | |
20 Fertile branches armed with straight, thin or often stout, circular or flattened infrastipular prickles, with internodal prickles of small prickles, aciculi, or stipitate glands, usually densely covering branches and adjacent stems; stems mostly thick, or upright; hypanthia (later hips) and pedicels stipitate-glandular or eglandular | |
22 Hypanthium typically with > 86 glands; terminal leaflet oblong, generally with 20-30 small teeth per side | |
22 Hypanthium typically with < 86 glands; terminal leaflet ovate, elliptic, or obovate, with 10-18 (-23) small teeth per side. | |
23 Bristles absent on new stems (except in ssp. minidentata, from NY northwards); auricles > 3.8 mm long; stipules > 1.1 mm wide; infrastipular prickles stout, broad-based, and often curved | |
24 Lower stems and branches not setigerous; teeth of leaflets larger, < 12/cm of margin; [VA and OH northwards] | |
23 Bristles present or absent on new stems; auricles < 3.8 mm long; stipules < 1.1 mm wide; infrastipular prickles slender and not especially broad-based or curved. | |
25 Fertile branches armed with straight, thin or rarely stout, circular or somewhat flattened infrastipular prickles, lacking internodal prickles or aciculi (or if these present , few and scattered); stems mostly thin, pendent or upright; hypanthia (later hips) and pedicels stipitate-glandular (rarely eglandular) | |
25 Fertile branches armed with straight, thin or often stout, circular or flattened infrastipular prickles, with internodal prickles of small prickles, aciculi, or stipitate glands, usually densely covering branches and adjacent stems; stems mostly thick, upright; hypanthia (later hips) and pedicels stipitate-glandular or eglandular |