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Key to Ulmaceae

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1 Leaves strongly 3-veined from the base, the venation otherwise pinnate; fruit a drupe with thin flesh; [Cannabaceae, keyed here as fail-safe]
1 Leaf venation pinnate throughout, the venation strictly pinnate; fruit dry, a samara (flat and winged) or nutlike (with or without fleshy protuberances).
  2 Fruit a samara (flat and winged); primary lateral veins mostly parallel and unforked to the leaf margin
  2 Fruit nutlike (globular, with or without fleshy protuberances); primary lateral veins either mostly parallel and unforked to the leaf margin, or mostly forking before reaching the margin.
    3 Fruit with numerous fleshy protuberances; primary lateral veins mostly forking before reaching the margin; [small trees of swamp forests of the Coastal Plain from se. NC and SC southward]
    3 Fruit lacking fleshy protuberances (though irregular in shape); primary lateral veins mostly parallel and unforked to the leaf margin; [planted horticulturally, rarely persisting or spreading weakly]