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Key to Acalypha
2 Plants with terminal inflorescences bright red, the flowers lacking ovaries and with 5-8 styles in place of stamens | |
4 Pistillate inflorescences with the bracts densely crowded, completely hiding the inflorescence axis; bracts of pistillate flowers with lobes consisting of deltate bases bearing long linear tips, long-hirsute with nonglandular hairs to 2 mm long. | |
5 Hairs of the stems, petioles, and peduncles gland-tipped; pistillate inflorescences terminal, staminate inflorescences axillary; styles usually unbranched (rarely bifid) | |
5 Hairs of the stems, petioles, and peduncles eglandular; pistillate, bisexual, and staminate inflorescences axillary; styles multi-branched | |
4 Pistillate inflorescences with the bracts loosely arranged, the axis visible between the bracts; bracts of pistillate flowers with the lobes linear throughout, glabrous or pubescence with nonglandular hairs < 0.25 mm long (glandular hairs may be longer). | |
9 Petioles 4-25 mm long; inflorescences both terminal (these staminate, pistillate, or bisexual) and axillary (these pistillate); [c. and s. TX and southwestwards]. | |
10 Leaf blades with shallowly crenate margins; pistillate bract lobes comprising about 25% of the overall bract length | |
10 Leaf blades with deeply crenate margins; pistillate bract lobes comprising about 50% of the overall bract length | |
7 Inflorescences all axillary. | |
11 Pistillate bracts 6-15 (-20) mm long. | |
12 Lobes of the pistillate bracts deltate, triangular, or lanceolate, comprising 10-75% of the overall length of the bract. | |
13 Leaves 3-6× as long as wide, the largest < 2 cm wide; pistillate bracts with sessile glands; pistillate bract lobes making up 10-25% of the overall bract length. | |
14 Pistils 1-carpellate; seeds 1.6-2.4 mm long; [IL and se. IA south through MO, KS, AR, and OK to w. LA and e. and c. TX] | |
13 Leaves 1.5-2.8× as long as wide, the largest > 2 cm wide; pistillate bracts lacking sessile glands; pistillate bract lobes making up 25-75% of the overall bract length. | |
15 Lower surfaces of pistillate bracts hirsute and sometimes also stipitate-glandular; stems hirsute; pistillate bracts (9-) 10-14 (16)-lobed | |
15 Lower surfaces of pistillate bracts sparsely pubescent (sometimes stipitate-glandular); stems with only short, incurved hairs; pistillate bracts (5-) 7-9 (-11)-lobed. | |