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Key to Indigofera
1 Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate. | |
1 Leaves odd-pinnately compound, with 5+ leaflets. | |
4 Stipules deltate to lanceolate, 2-3 mm wide; legumes deflexed, crowded on the rachis; flowers many per inflorescence. | |
5 Staminal tube 3-3.5 (-5) mm long, about as long as the calyx; leaves with 5-8 leaflets; leaflets 1.2-2.5× as long as wide; legumes tan, deflexed to spreading, straight; infructescence < 10 cm long | |
6 Erect, bushy-branched suffruticose herbs or shrubs; leaflets (7-) 9-15 per leaf. | |
9 Herb or suffrutescent herb; corollas 5-9 mm long, cream, rose, tan, yellow, greenish, orange, or purplish. | |
10 Legume 7-9 mm long, ovoid, not falcate, indehiscent, with 2-3 seeds; corolla 6-9 mm long; [native species] | |
Key to Fabaceae, Key K: herbaceous legumes with pinnately trifoliolate leaves [subfamily Faboideae]
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1 Leaflets denticulate (sometimes inconspicuously so); [tribe Trifolieae]. | |
2 Inflorescences elongate racemes with an axis 5-15 cm long, the flowers well-spaced along the axis, the overall inflorescence much longer than its diameter | |
2 Inflorescences umbellate or headlike clusters or short racemes with an axis < 2 cm long, the flowers closely clustered, the overall inflorescence little (if at all) longer than its diameter. | |
3 Legumes straight or nearly so, never tuberculate or prickly; stems terete or flattened (2-angled) towards the tip | |
1 Leaflets entire (and sometimes also with 1 or 2 broad lobes), or with scattered, irregular large teeth (Pachyrhizus erosus). | |
5 Flowers not papilionaceous (the wings and keel epistemonous, arising terminally or laterally from the stamen tube), barely bilaterally symmetrical; stamens 5, monadelphous; [tribe Amorpheae] | |
6 Plants with separate leafy and flowering stems (the flowering stems naked or nearly so of leaves). | |
9 Corollas pink or lavender/purplish; leaflets estipellate; fruit 1-seeded, indehiscent; [tribe Psoraleae] | |
9 Corollas yellow; leaflets stipellate; fruit 2-many-seeded, dehiscent; [tribe Phaseoleae, subtribe Cajaninae] | |
8 Leaves, stems, and calyces lacking punctate glands. | |
10 Leaflet blades large, at least the largest terminal leaflets on a plant > 5 cm long. | |
12 Fruit a legume (not segmented into 1-seed dispersal units), hairy but the hairs not hooked; [plants cultivated as garden plants, rare as waifs] | |
12 Fruit a loment (separating into single-seeded segments), uncinulate (with hooked hairs, the fruits attaching to hairs or clothes as 'stick-tights'); [plants widespread, common] | |
13 Fruit a legume (not segmented into 1-seed dispersal units), hairy but the hairs not hooked; [plants cultivated as crops or garden plants, rare as waifs] | |
10 Leaflet blades smaller, all on a plant < 5 cm long. | |
15 Stipels absent on the petiolules of mature leaflets. | |
17 Fruits indehiscent: either 1-seeded, or a loment with 2 or more one-seeded (indehiscent) segments. | |
19 Petioles free from stipules, leaves evidently petiolate; corollas white to pink; flowers pedicellate; fruit either 1-seeded, or a loment normally with 3+ segments | |
20 Fruit a loment, with 1-3 segments; terminal leaflets 3-10 cm long, 1-1.5× as long as wide; stamens monadelphous | |
20 Fruit 1-seeded; terminal leaflets 1-5 cm long, 1.2-8× as long as wide; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1) | |
21 Leaves, stems, and calyces lacking punctate glands; corollas yellow, pink, purplish, white, red, blue. | |
22 Leaflet blades smaller, all on a plant < 5 cm long. | |
23 Stipels absent on the petiolules of mature leaflets. | |
26 Fruit a loment (separating into single-seeded segments), uncinulate (with hooked hairs, the fruits attaching to hairs or clothes as 'stick-tights'). | |
28 Flowers resupinate (the pedicel twisted 180 degrees), the banner 2.5-5.5 cm long and positioned lowermost. | |
22 Leaflet blades large, at least the largest terminal leaflets on a plant > 5 cm long. | |
35 Stipels present, persistent (minute in Amphicarpaea); stamens diadelphous (9 and 1) or monadelphous (Pueraria). | |
36 Stamens monadelphous; robust herbaceous vine with stems to 30 m long; flowers purple, when fresh smelling like artificial grape flavoring. | |
36 Stamens diadelphous (9 and 1); herbaceous vines with stems usually < 5 m long; flowers various in color, not 'grapy' in odor. | |
37 Flowers not resupinate, the banner (standard) uppermost; banner (standard) < 25 mm long, or if up to 30 mm then not much longer than the other petals. | |
42 Leaflets with entire margins (sometimes with 1-2 rounded lobes); roots slender | |
43 Corolla < 2 cm long; fruits constricted or not; fruits glabrous or hairy, the hairs not stinging. | |
47 Flowers arrayed differently; upper calyx lobes separate. | |