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Key to Myrtaceae

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Show caption*© Keith Bradley
1 Leaf venation parallel; leaves alternate or opposite; fruit dry, capsular; [subfamily Myrtoideae; tribe Melaleuceae]
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Show caption*© Eric Keith, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Eric Keith
1 Leaf venation pinnate; leaves opposite; fruit fleshy (or dry in Eucalyptus).
image of plant
Show caption*© Eric Keith, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Eric Keith
  2 Fruit dry, a capsule; [subfamily Myrtoideae; tribe Eucalypteae]
    3 Twigs and mature leaves hirsute
    3 Twigs and mature leaves glabrous
  2 Fruit fleshy, a berry or drupe-like; [subfamily Myrtoideae; tribe Myrteae].
      4 Lower leaf surface white- or yellowish-tomentose; corolla rose
      4 Lower leaf surface glabrous or pubescent (but not white tomentose); corolla white.
        5 Inflorescence a panicle, with 2× or more orders of branching.
          6 Calyx circumscissile (with a lid); petals absent
             7 Fruit black, (4-) 6-8 mm long, (1-) 2 (-3)-seeded; leaf apex obtuse
             7 Fruit purple-black, 15-20 mm long, 1-seeded; leaf apex acute to acuminate
        5 Inflorescence of a solitary flower or a few-flowered dichasium or raceme.
               8 Fruit a many-seeded berry, 6-60 mm in diameter.
                 9 Fruit 6-10 mm in diameter; leaves 1-5 cm long; perianth 4-merous
                 9 Fruit 20-60 mm in diameter; leaves 4-14 cm long; perianth (4-) 5-merous
               8 Fruit with 1 (-2) seeds, drupelike, 6-12 mm in diameter.