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Key to Santalaceae
1 Leaves alternate; monoecious herb or shrub. | |
3 Aerial (epiphytic) shrubs, parasitic on tree trunks and branches; leaves either coriaceous and brittle when live, or minute and scale-like | |
3 Terrestrial shrubs or trees, parasitic via root connections; leaves herbaceous, flexible when live. | |
4 Plants trees; petals rose to maroon-colored; leaves primarily descussate, not distichous; [uncommon non-native, se. FL] | |
4 Plants rhizomatous shrubs; leaves typically distichously arrayed; petals greenish or greenish-white; [southeast natives occurring north of FL]. | |
5 Staminate flowers in terminal umbel-like dichasia; pistillate flowers (and fruits) solitary, terminal; clumped shrub to 4 m tall | |
5 Staminate flowers in axillary umbels; pistillate flowers (and fruits) solitary, axillary; rhizomatous shrub to 1 m tall |
Key J5: trees with opposite simple leaves with entire margins
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1 Leaves deciduous (medium to pale green, thin in texture); leaves strictly opposite. | |
3 Flowers white to yellow; capsules linear, >10× as long as wide; leaf undersurface with curly simple hairs; nectar glands present in the main vein axils on the undersurface of the leaf (visible from the underside or the upperside in fresh leaves and herbarium specimens as a triangle 1-4 mm on a side) | |
5 Leaves 4-20 cm long, 2.5-12 cm wide; petals connate into a 15-25 mm long tube, either greenish-yellow and mottled with purple; some calyx lobes expanding to 7 cm long and 5 cm wide, petaloid (pink to yellowish); capsule 2-valved; [native, in saturated, boggy seepages and streamheads, se. SC to FL] | |
5 Leaves 2.5-7 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide; petals separate, clawed, 12-20 mm long (including the 6-9 mm long claw), white, pink, or purple; calyx remaining small and sepaloid (3.5-5 mm long); capsule 4-6-valved; [introduced, persistent from planting in upland to moist situations] | |
1 Leaves evergreen (dark green or gray-green, thick in texture); leaves opposite or subopposite (offset by < 2mm from the opposing leaf). | |
6 Mangroves, with one of various adaptations to growing in tidal or near-tidal, saline situations: prominent salt-excreting glands on the petiole (Laguncularia in COMBRETACEAE), or prop roots (Rhizophora in RHIZOPHORACEAE), or abundant pneumatophores (Avicennia in ACANTHACEAE); [FL and less commonly subtropical shores of other, especially Gulf Coast, southeastern states]. | |
8 Plants with numerous pneumatophores ascending from the roots and terminating in a blunt tip; leaves gray on the undersurface | |
8 Plants with prominent prop-roots descending to the ground from the trunk and branches; leaves light green on the undersurface | |
6 Non-mangroves; [collectively widespread]. | |
9 Secondary leaf veins relatively few (or diffuse), further branching and reticulating into the tertiary vein structure (or in Santalum and Strychnos the veins brochidodromous, arching away from and not completely reaching the margins of the blades); [collectively widespread]. | |
12 Twigs with spines; leaf venation with 3 primary veins from near the blade base; fruit a spherical berry, 5-12 cm long | |
9 Secondary leaf veins many and conspicuous, closely parallel to one another and extending unbranched to the leaf margin. | |