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Key to Tragia

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1 Leaf bases cuneate to rounded; stamens 2; [section Leptobotrys].
  2 Leaf blades usually 1.5-3× as long as wide, broadest near the base (except narrower forms with margins relatively parallel through the middle part of the blade); leaf margins serrate to crenate, usually through the length of the blade
  2 Leaf blades usually 4-20× as long as wide, broadest at the middle or towards the apex; leaf margins entire or with a few, irregular teeth or undulations, these almost exclusively near the leaf blade apex
1 Leaf bases cordate, subcordate, or truncate; stamens 3-6 (-10); [section Tragia].
    3 Larger leaf blades on a plant > 5 cm wide and > 8 cm long, deeply cordate at the base; capsules 11-13 mm wide; stamens 3; petioles 15-85 mm long
    3 Larger leaf blades on a plant < 3.5 cm wide and < 8 cm long, cuneate, rounded, truncate, or shallowly cordate at the base; capsules 4-11 mm wide; stamens 3-6 (-10); petioles 0-38 (-41) mm long.
      4 Stigmas papillate; [collectively widespread in our region, but not in s. FL].
        5 Pedicels of the staminate flowers 0.7-1 mm long, the lower persistent part 0.3-0.6 mm long (shorter than the subtending bract); sepals of the pistillate flowers 1.8-5.0 mm long; staminate flowers 15-80 per raceme, clustered towards the tip; [largely west of the Mississippi River, rarely disjunct eastwards]
        5 Pedicels of the staminate flowers 1.5-2 mm long, the lower persistent part 1-1.8 mm long (longer than the subtending bract); sepals of the pistillate flowers 1.3-2.3 mm long; staminate flowers 11-40 per raceme, evenly distributed along the raceme axis; [widespread in our region]
      4 Stigmas smooth, undulate, or subpapillose.
          6 Inflorescence with obvious stipitate glands throughout; capsules 4-5 mm wide; [s. TX in our region].
          6 Inflorescence with sessile glands or lacking glands; capsules 6-8 mm wide; [collectively widespread in our region].
             7 Leaves 1.0-1.5× as long as wide; [pine rocklands, s. FL]
             7 Leaves 1.3-2.5× as long as wide; [various habitats, AR, MO, KS, OK, and TX].
               8 Leaves 1.5-3× as long as wide; inflorescences with few, sessile glands; stigmas smooth to undulate; stamens 3-6 (-10); stem apex rarely flexuous
               8 Leaves 1-2× as long as wide; inflorescences lacking glands; stigmas undulate to subpapillose.; stamens 3-4 (-5); stem apex usually flexuous.
                 9 Stems and leaves gray-green; leaf blade bases cordate, hastate, or truncate; staminate flowers 5-16 per raceme; capsules usually maturing all 3 carpels
                 9 Stems and leaves light to dark green; leaf bases truncate to weakly cordate; staminate flowers 2-8 (-10) per raceme; capsules usually aborting 2 carpels and maturing only 1; stems decumbent, twining, or erect, usually flexuous at the tip