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Key to Lemna

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1 Margin of fronds denticulate in the distal portion; fronds narrowed basally to an elongated, persistent, green stalk, the fronds therefore cohering in long, often branched chains of 3-50 fronds; fronds submerged (except when flowering or fruiting); [section Hydrophylla]
1 Margin of fronds entire; fronds rounded basally, with a very small white stipe soon decaying, the fronds therefore cohering in simple clusters of 2-5; fronds normally floating.
  2 Fronds with (0-) 1 nerve; anthocyanin absent in fronds (fronds green); [section Uninerves].
    3 Fronds 1-2× as long as wide; nerve indistinct to fairly prominent, reaching at most 2/3 of the distance from node to apex (nerve about as long as or shorter than the aerenchymatous portion of the frond); fruit 0.6-1.0 mm long
    3 Fronds 1.3-3× as long as wide; nerve mostly prominent, reaching at least 3/4 of the distance from node to apex (nerve longer than the aerenchymatous portion of the frond); fruit 1.0-1.35 mm long
  2 Fronds with 3-5 (-7) nerves; anthocyanin absent or present in fronds (fronds green or red).
      4 Root sheath winged at the base; root tip sharply pointed; roots not longer than 3 cm long; anthocyanin absent in fronds; [section Alatae].
        5 Seeds with 8-26 prominent ribs, brownish, falling from the fruit when ripe; fronds with only 1 papilla above the node, which is smaller than the papule at the apex; wing of the root sheath 1-2.5× as long as wide
        5 Seeds with 35-70 obscure ribs, whitish, remaining in the fruit when ripe; fronds very often with 2-3 papilla above the node, which are larger than the papule at the apex; wing of the root sheath 2-3× as long as wide
      4 Root sheath not winged at the base; root tip mostly rounded; roots often longer than 3 cm long; anthocyanin present or absent in fronds; [section Lemna].
          6 Plants forming small, olive-brown rootless turions, 0.8-1.6 mm in diameter, which sink to the bottom
          6 Plants without distinct turions.
             7 Fronds not reddish on the lower surface (or if so only slightly so and much less so than on the upper surface); greatest spacing of veins near the middle of the frond or toward its base
             7 Fronds often reddish on the lower surface (and more intensely so than on the upper surface); greatest spacing between the veins near the middle of the frond or toward its tip.
               8 Fronds often gibbous; fronds with very distinct papillae above the node and near the apex on the upper surface, but not between the node and the apex; seeds with 10-16 distinct ribs
               8 Fronds flat; fronds with mostly distinct papillae on the midline on the upper surface; seeds with 3-60 indistinct ribs