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Key to Hypericum, Key G: herbaceous St. John's-worts with broad leaves, 1-locular capsules, stamens separate or connate at base, but not grouped into fascicles, leaves with translucent dots, without black dots, sepals and petals with translucent lines or dots only, not marked with black dots or lines
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1 Stems and leaves glabrous. | |
2 Styles united, persistent as a single straight beak on the capsule; [section Myriandra, subsection Suturosperma]. | |
2 Styles separate, more or less divergent, not persistent as a beak on the capsule; [section Trigynobrathys]. | |
6 Punctate glands absent on the stem (rarely very few on the internodes of the inflorescence); punctate glands of the leaves small, round, distributed on the lower leaf surface, becoming sparse toward the base of the leaf and toward the midrib; midstem leaves mostly broadest at or beyond the middle | |
6 Punctate glands frequent on the stem; punctate glands of the leaves and stem large, oval, distributed evenly and densely on the lower leaf surface, also dense on the upper leaf surface in H. denticulatum and H. harperi (absent on upper leaf surface in H. species 1); midstem leaves usually broadest at or below the middle. | |
7 Upper surface of the leaf with no punctate glands; inflorescence branches typically with 3-12 pairs of bracteal leaves about 1/2 as large as the foliage leaves; [of shallow soil mats on granitic domes in the upper Piedmont of NC] | |
7 Upper surface of the leaf with abundant punctate glands; inflorescence branches with at most a few pairs of very small bracts; [of Coastal Plain wetlands, very rarely disjunct inland and then in wetlands]. | |
8 Leaves 10-35 (-40) mm long, 3-8 (-12) mm wide, 3-10× as long as wide, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, mostly ascending to spreading, often equaling the internodes; sepals 3.0-5.0 mm long, 0.8-2.5 mm wide, acute to acuminate; lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; upper portion of stem with numerous axillary branches; lower stem usually spongy-thickened with aerenchymatous tissue; [of upland depression ponds of the Coastal Plain, growing where seasonally inundated] | |
8 Leaves 5-20 (-24) mm long, 5-15 mm wide, 1.2-2.5× as long as wide, ovate to obovate to narrowly elliptic, mostly appressed to the stem, mostly shorter than the internodes; sepals 3.0-8.0 mm long, 1.5-4.0 mm wide, acute; lower stem not spongy-thickened with aerenchymatous tissue (or slightly so in H. erythreae); [of moist pinelands of the Coastal Plain, very rarely disjunct inland to bog habitats in the Piedmont and Mountains]. | |
11 Leaves linear, the margins parallel or nearly so, 0.5-3 mm wide; capsules 3-6.5 mm long | |
11 Leaves lanceolate, the margins curved, 2-6 mm wide; capsules 3-4.5 mm long | |
12 Sepals broadest near the base; inflorescence with few or no normally sized leaves, these only low in the inflorescence, giving the inflorescence a naked appearance. | |
12 Sepals broadest near the middle; inflorescence with many normally sized leaves and leaflike bracts, giving the inflorescence a leafy appearance. | |
14 Ultimate bracts of the inflorescence elliptic, much like the leaves; leaves not paler beneath; sepals obtuse, much shorter than the capsule; capsule 3-5 mm long | |
14 Ultimate bracts of the inflorescence linear, differing conspicuously from the leaves; leaves paler beneath; sepals acute, about equaling the capsule; capsule 2-3.5 mm long. | |
15 Inflorescence branches from the upper 1-6 nodes of the stem, the further branching repeatedly monochasial; stem with apical internode well developed, usually longer than the internode below; sepals broader above the middle, more-or-less imbricate; [of the Coastal Plain] | |
15 Inflorescence branches from the upper 2-10 nodes of the stem, the further branching mostly dichasial; stem with apical internode shorter than the internode below or even essentially absent; sepals broader below the middle, not imbricate (rarely broader above the middle and imbricate); [widespread] |