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Key to Cuphea
1 Leaves whorled (at least some); pedicels 4-25 mm long; [pine flatwoods of FL Panhandle] | |
2 Floral tube 4-6 mm long, glabrous inside; stamens much shorter than the floral tube; petioles 0-2 mm long | |
2 Floral tube 5.5-12 mm long (12-21 mm in C. procumbens), villous, wooly, or finely puberulent inside; stamens equal to or exceeding the floral tube; petioles 0-20 mm long. | |
3 Floral tube 8-21 mm long, villous or wooly inside; leaves sessile (C. procumbens) or with petioles (2-) 5-15 (-20) mm long | |
4 Leaves not sessile, petioles (2-) 5-15 (-20) mm long; floral tube 8-12 mm long; seeds 2.3-2.8 mm long; [widespread native] | |
3 Floral tube 5.5-8 (-9) mm long, the inner glabrous proximally and finely puberulent to villous distally; petioles 0-2 mm long; seeds 1.5-22.0 mm long. | |