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3 Pubescence of the main stem densely villous, the hairs spreading; vestiture of the leaf upper surfaces villous | |
3 Pubescence of the main stem strigillose (fine and appressed); vestiture of the leaf upper surfaces strigillose-puberulent (appressed) to glabrous. | |
4 Leaf blades 1-7 mm wide; leaf upper surfaces densely strigillose-puberulent; inflorescence erect to arching in bud (later erect) | |
4 Leaf blades 2-19 mm wide; leaf upper surfaces glabrous or nearly so; inflorescence nodding in bud (later erect) | |
7 Mature coma (attached to plump seeds) cinnamon brown (paler when immature); seed surfaces papillose (the papillae sometimes forming weak lines); inflorescence axes with eglandular strigillose hairs only; petals 2.5-5.5 mm long, white. | |
7 Mature coma white or dingy; seed surfaces with well-developed papillae arranged conspicuously in lines; inflorescence axes usually with a mixture of eglandular and glandular strigillose hairs; petals 2-12 (-14) mm long, pink, rose, or white. | |
8 Herbs with basal rosettes; petals 2-6 (-9) mm long, white (sometimes pink) | |