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Key to Anacardiaceae
4 Terminal leaflet distinctly petiolulate; fruit white or greenish, glabrous or with scattered trichomes; foliage and stems containing contact poisons | |
3 Leaves pinnately compound, with (3-) 5-41 leaflets (at least the larger and better-developed on a plant with 5 or more leaflets). | |
6 Fruits glabrous; stamens 10; inflorescence of axillary panicles, the central axis angled from the main stem | |
7 Inflorescence either a terminal panicle (the central axis stiff and upright) or of axillary or terminal clusters of short spikes | |
8 Leaves all or mostly even-pinnate (sometimes some leaves with an apparently terminal or obliquely subterminal leaflet) | |
8 Leaves odd-pinnate. | |
10 Leaflet margin lacking marginal vein (though sometimes thickened and translucent); fruits 4-20 mm long; [collectively widespread]. | |
11 Upper surface of leaflets shiny, as if lacquered; inflorescences axillary near the summit of the stem; fruits 4-14 mm long; foliage and stems containing contact poisons. | |
12 Leaves 7-13 (-15)-foliolate; leaflet base cuneate to rounded; leaflets 2-2.5× as long as wide; fruits white or yellowish; [widespread (though irregular) in our region, in FL south to Highlands County] |
Key to Toxicodendron
2 Fruits pubescent or papillose; leaflets entire, coarsely toothed, undulate, or round-lobed; lower surfaces of leaflets either velvety puberulent, sometimes becoming glabrate in age (T. pubescens) or glabrous (glabrescent or rarely pilose beneath) but with prominent tufts of tannish hairs present in the vein axils (T. radicans var. radicans). | |
3 Leaves velvety puberulent (sometimes becoming glabrate in age), the apex and the lobes (if present) generally obtuse to broadly acute; drupes pubescent (becoming glabrate); plant a stoloniferous shrub; [of dry habitats, especially sandhills] | |
4 Leaflets deeply and sharply lobed or cut (the sinuses and the lobes V-shaped); [OK and TX] | |
5 Leaves densely pilose and velvety on the lower surface; leaves pubescent on the upper surface; pubescence of the leaves erect | |
5 Leaves glabrous to sparsely strigose on the lower surface; leaves glabrous on the upper surface; pubescence of the leaves appressed. | |
6 Leaflets suborbicular or broadly ovate, nearly as wide as long; petiole glabrous (rarely glabrescent); plant a shrub, the stems upright, entirely lacking aerial roots, not vining; fruits (3-) 4-7 mm in diameter | |
6 Leaflets ovate to lanceolate; petiole puberulent to densely pubescent; plant a shrub or vine, the stems upright or twining; fruits 2.5-5.5 mm in diameter |