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Key to Leitneria

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1 Leaf blades lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, > 14 cm long, > 4.5 cm wide, L:W ratio > 3.4; upper leaf surface nearly glabrous, often glossy; lower leaf surface nearly glabrous; leaf vestiture restricted to the midrib, secondary veins, and margin on both surfaces; [Coastal Plain of n. FL & s. GA]
1 Leaf blades lanceolate, ovate, elliptic, or occasionally oblanceolate or obovate, < 14 cm long, < 4.5 cm wide; leaf L:W ratio > 3.3; upper leaf surface pubescent to pilose, lower leaf surface pilose to tomentose; leaf vestiture across the surface on both surfaces; [e. AR, se. MO, se. TX].
  2 Leaf blades elliptic to narrowly elliptic and occasionally oblanceolate or obovate, < 11 cm long, > 3.5 cm wide; petioles > 3 cm long; leaves per branch < 14; [Mississippi River Embayment of e. AR and se. MO]
  2 Leaf blades lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, < 11 cm long, < 3.5 cm wide; petioles < 3 cm long; leaves per branch > 14; [se. TX Coastal Plain].