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Key to Meliaceae

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1 Leaves 2× odd-pinnately compound; fruit a drupe; [widely planted and naturalized in our area, especially southward]
1 Leaves 1× even-pinnately compound (sometimes 1× odd-pinnately compound); fruit a capsule; [either restricted to s. peninsular FL or rarely planted and naturalized].
  2 Leaflets 16-40; capsules 1.5-2 cm long, the 5 valves separating at the apex of the capsule (remaining fused to the receptacle); [rarely planted and naturalized]
  2 Leaflets 4-10; capsules 6-10 cm long, the 5 valves separating at the base of the capsule (remaining fused at the apex of the persistent column); [native (and planted), s. peninsular FL]
    3 Leaflets nearly symmetrical at the base
    3 Leaflets strongly oblique at the base

Key F3: Key to Plantae

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1 Leaves evenly 2-pinnately compound
1 Leaves oddly pinnate-pinnatifid, 2-pinnately compound, or more complexly compound than 2-pinnate.
  2 Leaves pinnate-pinnatifid, with 7-19 leaflets, each leaflet pinnatifid into narrowly lanceolate lobes; {upper leaflet surface dark green, lower surface silvery with gray sericeous pubescence}
  2 Leaves 2-pinnately compound, or even more complexly compound.
    3 Plant a liana, climbing by tendrils
    3 Plant a shrub or tree, not climbing.
      4 Plant armed with prickles on the stem, and sometimes also on the axes and main veins of the leaves
        5 Plant a shrub, < 2.5 m tall.
          6 Foliage green; leaflets ovate, acute at the tip; flowers 3-merous, the tepals white or cream; fruit a red berry
          6 Foliage blue-green; leaflets obovate, rounded or notched at the tip; flowers 4-5-merous, the sepals green, the petals yellow; fruit a capsule
        5 Plant a tree, > 3 m tall when flowering and fruiting.
               8 Fruit a globose drupe, tan at maturity, 10-15 mm in diameter; inflorescence an axillary panicle; corolla lavender