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Key to Reseda

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1 Upper and middle leaves deeply pinnately lobed.
  2 Carpels 4; petals white; seeds tuberculate; [section Leucoreseda]
  2 Carpels 3; petals yellowish; seeds smooth; [section Reseda]
1 Upper and middle leaves entire or finely toothed (sometimes with 1-2 lateral lobes).
    3 Sepals and petals 4; seeds smooth; fruits < 7 mm long, crowded, erect to ascending; [section Luteola]
    3 Sepals and petals 6; seeds rugose; fruits > 7 mm long, well-spaced, pendent; [section Phyteuma].
      4 Capsules 7-11 mm long; sepals (in fruit) < 5mm long
      4 Capsules (well-developed) 11-15 mm long; sepals (in fruit > 5 mm long)