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Key to Tarenaya

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1 Petals 5-10 mm long; gynophore 1-4 mm long; petioles and leaf blades unarmed.
  2 Leaflets ovate to rhomboidal; sepals lanceolate; anthers 0.9-1.0 mm long; silique 20-40 (-60) mm long
  2 Leaflets obovate; sepals ovate; anthers 0.3-0.5 mm long; silique 15-20 mm long
1 Petals 10-30 mm; gynophore 45-80 mm; petioles and sometimes leaf blades prickly.
    3 Sepals, ovary, and fruit glabrous; fruit about as long as gynophore; petals deep pink or purple (infrequently white)
    3 Sepals, ovary, and fruit glandular-pubescent; fruit longer than gynophore; petals white or greenish-white