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2 Trichomes sessile, medifixed; [tribe Erysimeae] |
2 Trichomes not sessile and medifixed. |
3 Leaves 2-3× pinnately dissected; [tribe Descurainieae] |
4 Cauline leaves not auricled; [tribe Alysseae] |
4 Cauline leaves auricled; [tribe Camelineae]. |
5 Annual; petals yellow to pale yellow, fading whitish |
5 Perennial or biennial; petals creamy or pale yellow |
1 Flowers white, pinkish, lavender, or blue. |
6 Leaves only basal; [tribe Arabideae] |
6 Leaves cauline (and often basal as well). |
7 Ovaries and young fruits not linear (instead pyriform, obovoid, obdeltoid, depressed globose, elliptic or otherwise not strictly linear throughout). |
8 Cauline leaves sessile and auriculate; [tribe Camelineae]. |
9 Petals pale yellow, fading to whitish |
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Berteroa incana, Glacier Basin, Rocky Mountain National Park, Larimer County, Colorado 5 by Alan Cressler |
11 Leaves 2-3× pinnately dissected; [tribe Descurainieae] |
12 Ovules 1-2 per ovary; plants usually canescent (bearing a fine grayish-white pubescence); [tribe Alysseae] |
12 Ovules 4 or more per ovary (2-10 in Lobularia); plants green, not obviously canescent (or only slightly in Lobularia). |
13 Plants not scapose or with rosulate basal leaves, leaves cauline and usually abundant throughout the stems; larger plants often suffruticose; [tribe Malcolmieae] |
13 Plants scapose, thus without cauline leaves ( D. verna) OR strongly rosulate with well-spaced cauline leaves; plants herbaceous (D. ramosissima); [tribe Arabideae] |
7 Ovaries and young fruits linear. |
15 Young fruits ascending to descending; [tribe Boechereae] |
15 Young fruits ascending to erect or appressed to rachis. |
16 Stems pubescent or less commonly glabrous above, not glaucous; [tribe Arabideae] |
16 Stems glabrous and glaucous above; [tribe Camelineae] |
14 Cauline leaves usually petiolate and if sessile, not auriculate. |
17 Stigmas 2- lobed, petals > 15 mm long; [tribe Hesperideae] |
17 Stigmas entire, petals < 6 mm long. |
18 Leaves pinnately divided or lobed. |
19 Leaves lyrate pinnatifid; [tribe Camelineae] |
19 Leaves 2-3× pinnately dissected; [tribe Descurainieae] |
18 Leaves entire or toothed. |
20 Sepals 1-2.5 mm; of disturbed habitats; seeds uniseriate; [tribe Camelineae] |
20 Sepals 0.7-1.2 mm or >2.5 mm; of disturbed and natural habitats; seeds biseriate; [tribe Arabideae] |