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Key to Reynoutria

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1 Veins of leaf underside with multicellular hairs (as seen at 20× magnification); mid-stem leaves with deeply cordate bases; inflorescence much shorter than the subtending mid-branch leaf
1 Veins of leaf underside with simple hairs, or merely minutely bumpy-scabrous; mid-stem leaves with truncate to slightly cordate or very broadly V-shaped bases; inflorescence shorter or longer than the subtending mid-stem leaf.
  2 Veins of leaf underside with scattered simple, stout-based hairs; mid-branch leaf bases usually slightly cordate; well-developed stem leaves usually > 20 cm long
  2 Veins of leaf underside minutely scabrous with scattered bumps; mid-branch leaves truncate (to very broadly V-shaped); well-developed stem leaves < 18 cm long