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Key to Stellaria
1 Styles 3' capsule opening by 6 valves. | |
2 Leaves narrow, usually linear, lanceolate, oblanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, the blade 3-10× as long as wide, 0.8-10 mm wide; stems prominently 4-angled. | |
4 Inflorescence a leafy (or with obvious bracts) terminal cyme of (1-) 5-50 flowers; seeds 0.7-0.9 mm long, smooth or slightly rugose. | |
5 Bracts subtending the pedicels green, herbaceous throughout; [Larbreae clade, Foliaceo-bracteatae subclade] | |
5 Bracts subtending the pedicels scarious (membranous), not foliaceous; [Larbreae clade, Parviflorae subclade] | |
7 Seeds 0.7-1.2 mm long; bracts of the inflorescence scarious; petals notched > halfway to the base; [Larbreae clade]. | |
8 Sepals 4.5-5.5 (-7) mm long, strongly 3-nerved, narrowly lanceolate to triangular; leaves usually widest below the middle; seeds 0.8-1.2 mm long, coarsely tuberculate; inflorescence diffuse, many-flowered; [Gramineae subclade] | |
8 Sepals (2-)3.5-4-5 mm long, weakly 3-nerved, ovate-elliptic; leaves usually widest at or above the middle; seeds 0.7-1.0 mm long, obscurely sculptured and appearing almost smooth; inflorescence more compact, fewer-flowered; [Parviflorae subclade] | |
10 Leaves (1.0-) 2.5-10 cm long (with strong dimorphism between sterile and fertile shoots, the leaves of sterile shoots much larger); seeds 1.7-2 mm long; sepals 4-11 mm long; stem pubescence in vertical lines or uniformly distributed; perennial, the stems strong and ascending to erect; [native]; [Insignes clade]. | |
10 Leaves 0.3-4.0 cm long; seeds 0.6-1.7 mm long; sepals 2.5-6.5 mm long; stem pubescence always in vertical lines; annual, the stems weak and in part prostrate, the tips or vigorous growth ascending; [exotic]; [Petiolares clade]. | |
13 Stamens 3-5 (-8); sepals 4.5-5.2 (-6.0) mm long, lacking red band at base; seeds 0.9-1.4 mm long; petals usually present | |
13 Stamens 0-3 (-5); sepals 3.0-4.0 mm long, frequently with a red band at the base; seeds 0.4-0.9 mm long; petals usually absent |