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Key to Amaranthus, Key B: Amaranthus, subgenera Albersia and Amaranthus
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1 Inflorescences axillary clusters of glomerules (sometimes leafy terminal spikes also present); [subgenus Albersia]. | |
2 Pistillate flowers usually with 3 tepals; utricles usually regularly dehiscent (indehiscent in A. blitum). | |
3 Utricles indehiscent; leaf blades usually deeply notched at the tip. | |
5 Tepals of pistillate flowers acute to short-acuminate at the tip, not reflexed; seeds 0.6-1.0 mm in diameter | |
5 Tepals of the pistillate flowers long-aristate at the tip, usually reflexed outward; seeds 1.0-1.4 mm in diameter | |
2 Pistillate flowers usually with (4-) 5 tepals; utricles usually indehiscent or tardily dehiscent (regularly dehiscent in A. blitoides). | |
10 Utricles indehiscent; tepals of pistillate flowers usually 2-3 (5 in A. spinosus); inflorescence bracts shorter than the tepals. | |
11 Stems lacking spines; tepals of pistillate flowers 2-3; [subgenus Albersia]. | |
12 Utricles distinctly rugose, equaling or slightly exceeding the tepals; terminal inflorescences usually thin and interrupted | |
12 Utricles smooth to faintly rugose (occasionally wrinkled or rugose in dried material), distinctly exceeding the tepals; terminal inflorescences usually thick and dense (or thin and interrupted in some forms of A. blitum). | |
13 Utricles subglobose to obovate, compressed; seeds filling the fruit almost completely; leaf blades usually deeply notched at the tip; annual. | |
10 Utricles dehiscent; tepals of pistillate flowers usually 5 (3-5 in A. powellii); inflorescence bracts exceeding the tepals (shorter than the tepals in some cultivated forms); [subgenus Amaranthus]. | |
15 Fully developed inflorescences large and robust, usually brightly colored (red, purple, occasionally white or yellow, rarely green); bracts usually not exceeding style branches at maturity (occasionally longer than the style branches in A. hypochondriacus); seeds white, ivory, red, brown, or black; [cultivated, only weakly naturalized]. | |
16 Inflorescences lax, erect to drooping. | |
17 Tepals of pistillate flowers (at least the inner tepals of the pistillate flowers) obovate or spatulate, the tip obtuse to slightly notched; style branches spreading or reflexed | |
17 Tepals of pistillate flowers oblong to lanceolate, the tip acute; style branches erect or slightly reflexed | |
18 Tepals of pistillate flowers obtuse, rounded, or slightly notched at the tip; plants rather densely pubescent | |
19 Bracts 2-4 mm long; inflorescences usually soft and lax, with spreading branches | |