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Key to Vallisneria

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1 Stamens of staminate flowers free and obliquely extended; hairs absent at base of androecium; floral incision of pistillate flowers deepest between matching stigmatic lobes (opposite the petal rudiments), stigmas fringed
1 Stamens of staminate flowers upright with partially or totally united filaments; hairs at base of androecium; floral incision of pistillate flowers deepest between discordant stigmatic lobes (opposite the sepals), or equal to incision between matching stigmatic lobes, stigmas not fringed.
  2 Sepals 2-3 mm long; leaves 5-6 (-10) mm wide, with broad, whitish lacunar band running down center of leaf; leaves lacking red-purple longitudinal stripes
  2 Sepals 4-5.5 mm long; leaves 15-20 mm wide, lacking lacunar band; leaves with red or purple longitudinal stripes