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Key to Celosia

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1 Shrubs or perennial herbs to 2 m tall; inflorescence units spicate, < 10 mm in diameter
  2 Leaf blades deltate to triangular-lanceolate, not lobed, with base abruptly narrowed or truncate to oblique; stigmas 3; [peninsular FL and sc. and s. TX]
  2 Leaf blades moderately hastate to lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, with base long-tapering; stigmas 2; [Rio Grande Valley only, s. TX]
1 Annual herbs to 1 m tall; inflorescence units crested, fasciated, paniculate, or spicate.
    3 Style 3-4 mm long; inflorescence very dense, of crowded spikes, crested, fanlike, or elaborately lobed, the ultimate units > 10 mm in diameter
    3 Style ca. 0.2 mm long; inflorescence of lax, interrupted panicles, the spicate ultimate units < 10 mm in diameter