Click the number at the start of a key lead to highlight both that lead and its corresponding lead. Click again to show only the two highlighted leads. Click a third time to return to the full key with the selected leads still highlighted.
1 Leaves opposite, connate-perfoliate around the stem, triangular in cross-section; fruit a fleshy, indehiscent berry; [subfamily Ruschioideae] | |
2 Leaves linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, the blade > 3× as long as wide; [subfamily Sesuvioideae] | |
3 Leaves opposite to subopposite; fruit a circumscissile capsule; [subfamily Sesuvioideae]. | |
5 Fruit a loculicidal capsule; ovary superior; stems densely covered with white scales; [subfamily Aizooideae] | |