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Key to Phytolacca

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1 Pedicels absent or to 2 (-4) mm long, the inflorescence thus a spike or spikelike raceme, 7-15× as long as its diameter; [rare waif]
1 Pedicels 2-12 (-15) mm long, the inflorescence thus a raceme, 2-7× as long as its diameter; [collectively widespread in our region].
  2 Racemes dense, the flowers and later the fruits mostly touching one another, the inflorescence axis therefore almost completely hidden; [rare waif].
  2 Racemes sparsely-flowered to somewhat dense, the flowers and later the fruits spaced (most not touching another), the inflorescence axis therefore visible for most of its length; [collectively widespread in our region].
    3 Fruiting pedicels (6-) 7-12 (-15) mm long; raceme (not including the peduncle) 10-20 (-25) cm long, divergent or drooping in flower and fruit (or ascending in flower); [widespread in our region]
    3 Fruiting pedicels (2-) 4-6 (-7) mm long; raceme (not including the peduncle) (3-) 6-9 (-13) cm long, erect (rarely divergent) in flower and fruit; [restricted northwards to maritime habitats, but more general southward, as in FL]
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