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Key to Potamogeton, Key A: pondweeds with adnate sheaths

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1 Leaves stiffish, conspicuously 2-ranked, auriculate-lobed to rounded at the junction with the stipule, with 20-60 fine veins
1 Leaves lax, not conspicuously 2-ranked, lacking basal lobes, with fewer than 20 veins.
  2 Tips of submersed leaves obtuse to acute; floating leaves rounded at apex.
    3 Tips of submersed leaves acute; fruit 1-2 mm wide, the lateral keel with acute tips, beak minute
    3 Tips of submersed leaves obtuse; fruit 1.3-2.4 mm wide, the lateral keel with blunt tips, beak lacking
  2 Tips of submersed leaves acute to long-tapering; floating leaves acute at apex.
      4 Submersed leaves 0.1-0.6 mm wide, without obvious lacunae; floating leaves 3-7 veined
      4 Submersed leaves 0.2-1 (-2) mm wide, with abundant lacunae; floating leaves 9-23 veined