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Key to Impatiens

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1 Corolla purple, pink, or white; plants 3-6 (-8) dm tall; stems puberulent or glabrous; [cultivated exotic, rarely escaped].
  2 Sepal spur slightly curved; stems glabrous or with widely scattered hairs
1 Corolla yellow or orange (rarely cream or white); plant mostly 5-25 dm tall; stems glabrous; [native].
    3 Flowers orange (rarely orange-yellow or white); calyx spur (colored) 7-10 mm long, curved forward parallel to the calyx sac; mature leaves (at least mid-stem) usually with < 9 marginal teeth on each side
    3 Flowers yellow (rarely cream or white); calyx spur (colored) 4-6 mm long, at a right angle to the calyx sac; mature leaves (at least mid-stem) usually with ≥ 9 marginal teeth on each side